Q: If elected, do you pledge to debate any candidate who os in the ballot to run against you in any election? (and who wants to debate)
A: “Absolutely! That’s an easy one.” — John Bonifaz.
Let’s all call some candidates running for office this year, incumbents and challengers alike, and ask them this same question. Lynch? Dunkelbarger? Wilkerson? Chang-Diaz? Deval Patrick and Tom Reilly and Chris Gabrieli? Post the answers they give you as comments here.
(I am John Bonifaz’ campaign blogger)
Please share widely!
Kerry Healey WILL debate the WINNER of the Democrat primary. She will NOT debate everybody come-one-come-all-pig-pile-fashion.
One down, three to go!
Or will she condescend to allow Christy Mihos and Grace Ross to share the stage?
nor is there a “Democrat party.”
I am seriously considering declaring the use of “Democrat” as an adjective a violation of site rules and immediately deleting any posting that breaks that rule. DeLay is out. Let’s keep him out (and that includes you, PP).
What am I missing?
Democrat is a noun. Democratic is an adjective.
More here.
Is there a Republic Primary?
Oops! I meant grammar. Really!
It’s part of a deliberate effort to re-brand the Democratic Party. It’s been going on for about thirty years.
in this old BMG post. Sco’s right – this is a long-running argument, and it’s about way more than a grammatical error.
Did you ever see the side-by-side comparison of Bush’s stump speech in the ’04 campaign, for example? It’s hilarious. In the hard-core red states, it’s all “Democrat party.” In Ohio, Florida, other swing states, it’s “Democratic party.” Everything else is just about word-for-word identical. It’s hilarious.
Preview is my friend. đŸ˜€
I find the “Democrat” thing disrespectful and inflammatory. The corruption of the name is an insult to Americans both past and present who were and are dedicated to their party and its principles. The parties have the names they have; it is not the purview of one party to deny the other party–in such a petty and meanspirited way–its rightful name. It’s the sort of thing that makes any meaningful dialogue between members of each party impossible.
Iris – when we all talk about you, we call you ‘Democrats’ (well, SOME people I know say Dumbocrats, but that’s a whole other issue). We don’t say Democratics, and in fact, neither do you. When I said the Democrat Primary, I was referring to the primary amongst the Democrats.
My remark is NOT part of some long-term effort to denigrate your party! (well, not in the sense that you mean, anyway….)
I’m relieved to hear that. In order to avoid this sort of confusion in the future, I suggest, gently, that you always use the term “Democratic Party” vs. “Democrat Party” and “Democratic Primary” for the same reason. That way you’ll avoid time-outs in the doghouse porcupine hollow or rock crevice or wherever it is you do your nesting thing. đŸ˜‰
People say “Democrat Party” in my freaking DemocratIC Town Committee.
It makes my teeth itch.
BTW – didn’t we have a big go ’round about this issue on the older TypePad BMG site?
Speaking of making someone’s teeth itch (and more on topic) I’m really regretting the vote I cast for Galvin at the convention. Someone put a Bonifaz sticker over my Galvin sticker at the convention as a goof. I’m beginning to wish I had listened then.