The BMG world it seems has turned upside down over the last couple of days.
We have:
Wow! That is a lot for 48 hours in the life of a Democratic primary.
Now all we need is for Galvin to show up for a debate.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
It’s Primary season. All bets and sensabilities to the winds.
But I, for one, always think about electability. I just think that electability is different from what the conventional wisdom thinks it is.
Try my Three C’s For Electoral Success tm!!!
Hold that tm – don’t forget The 4 Laws of Electability (from a political neophyte)
How about we share the millions?
If you and Charley keep forgetting the ®!!!
Reilly’s victory right up to Reilly’s Inauguration Day, baby!!!
‘The Americans are not in control of Baghdad.’