What the hell was Gabs remark about spending his $$$ on the campaign rather than a house? As Mitt Romney says, “very unbecoming”. Plus a pinch of being out of touch. This wasn’t a throw away line but rather the ‘trick shot’ he had been waiting all week to use in the game.
Yes Deval should not have whined, but to me he seemed more statesmen like than Gabs. And he seemed respectful of dim-witted Tom Reilly as he attempted to explain the not so fine points of his position on CORI. (Somehow Tom believes that Deval believes that police and prosecutors should not have access to criminal records in some circumstances.)
I doubt many people watched it. Most will get results from pundits, and then have vague memories of it.
Debates are like well judged prize fights. Reasonable people can see things differently. And well fought match that is honestly judged can have huge discrepancies in the points awarded by each judge.
Question: How do we know when the mouse spinning the wheel in Reilly’s brain has slowed down?
Answer: When he begins a thought by saying, “Look it…”.
Also new local college drinking game. Shot of tequila every time he say’s it.
If primary held today? Deval squeaks by.
Tuesdays Primary winner: Gabs
Because we should be seeing an all out attack on Deval before bed time. If we dont then perhaps it’s time to say “Goodnight Gabzy.
But as I sit here today I see Gabs getting the nod on Tueday.
We are in awe.
Funny you should mention a drinking game. I was talking yesterday to a co-worker who hasn’t watched any debates thus far, and wasn’t too keen on watching this one. I told him to pick a candidate and drink when they used the magic word. The words were:
Patrick- “Frankly”
Gabrieli- “Results”
Reilly- “Fight”
He asked if he should do all three. I told him “Not unless you want to wind up in the hospital”.
Nice poll Ernie, as usual.
Ernie is off the meds again…but your game is just too funny to resist.