I think the eloquent statement last night by Deval sums up this race very well. Healy will try to tap into an underlying anger in the electrate to get to 53% by scapegoating Democrats for taxes, immigration, challenges in education and the general feeling of unease because people are struggling.
What we are doing is unique but a positive vision can win. I think it is the right time for leadership that offers economic justice as well as economic growth. That sets high expectations but does not leave those behind who need a hand. This is an opportunity to say what we mean and make positive change. The Commonwealth deserves this after so many years of poor leadership and neglect.
I am ready to contribute money (already gave to state committee instead of primary candidates),knock on doors and hold signs. Let’s win for our community with Deval Patrick and Tim Murray.
leonidas says
I’m in the same boat as you- was pretty skeptical of Deval, but let’s face it: the guy is going to be the ‘new’ face of Massachusetts politics. Every successful campaign in the future will mimic his…
The contrast between the speaking styles of Healey and Patrick undeniably favors Patrick. Voters will naturally respond to Patrick’s message, but they will also respond to Healey’s negativity. NEGATIVE ATTACKS WORK! D.P. must understand this and respond appropriately! Remember, Healey is the heir to the decade-long Republican gubernatorial regime. Her campaign does not embody ‘change’ in any way. She is the very meaning of out-of-touch. D.P. must make this contrast very clear!
A message of hope only goes so far.
pmegan says
I was just speaking with someone who worked on the campaign of one of the men who didn’t win, and he said that D.P. is “incompetent” and that he’ll vote for Muffy before he votes for Deval.
I’m sure that there are some hurt feelings this morning: D.P. was the only candidate I voted for that won his primary. But, seriously, what’s the point of being petty? The voters have spoken, and now is NOT the time for name calling within the Democratic party in MA: it’s time to band together and work our asses off to win back our state.
charley-on-the-mta says
So what does it mean to lose to an “incompetent”? Oy. Well, give that guy 72 hours to shake it off. Losing on election day sucks — can’t begrudge some bitterness, as long as it goes away after a while.
cmfost says
I have made several post on this site trying to figure out why I should vote for Deval Patrick. I have heard several arguements and none of them have convinced me. That may change after the debate on monday but I can say as of this moment my vote is Going to Christy Mihos. I think you are going to find a lot of moderate democrats(like myself) and independents might go this way as we do not think either major party candidate really is in line with our thinking.
How is Deval Patrick going to appeal to me and other people who feel the same way as me?
tim-little says
But what are your main concerns/top issues going into November?
pmegan says
Out of curiosity, what have you heard from Mihos that makes you like him?
I don’t know, one of the things that I really like about Patrick is that he has been very clear on where he stands on most of the major issues. He issued those platform statements very early on: back when most people still weren’t taking him seriously. It was a while back, but I believe that there was one about energy, one about education, one about health care (most of which is now moot because of the legislation since its coining) and another one that I can’t remember.
But I agree with Tim Little: what issues exactly are you looking for that you’re not seeing the answers to?
dweir says
I’m interested in hearing what about Mihos appeals to you. I considered myself a moderate Democrat (I will never enroll in the party again), and I found Healey to be a very attractive candidate.
The Mihos platform includes a lot of issues, even down to an opinion on motorcycle helmets. I guess as an independent you need to define yourself. But arguably, his major position is Proposition 1. Given the projected population decline through 2015, is this a wise move?