Which leads me to create the poll below. I’ve heard all the reasons why people hate politics(and there are many). Here’s a chance to speak out about what needs to change. Please feel free to check off any or all and add to the list.
Please share widely!
many people can agree on what needs to change. What did I leave off?
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 1000th.
Should have thought of campaign finance first, second and third.
You forgot ‘All of the Above’!
I never post except for comments. If I could edit the poll, I would change it as follows with one choice:
What would you like to fix in MA politics?
Phil Johnston
…why do so many folks have it in for Johnston? He’s not a fire-breathing liberal, but he has a massive winning streak in the state. The party is in good fiscal shape, and aside from the corner office owns Massachusetts politics.
Would people prefer someone on the far-left who manages the party into oblivion?
I am willing to accept a pretty broad concept of what a “real” Democrat is but we all know that Mass has plenty of DINOs. Once we get Deval in office I would like to see that in the next eleciton we can send him some more progressive Dems to work with. In particular I would like to find a challenger for the out of touch O’Flaherty. He was almost challenged this election cycle. The Old Guard has GOT TO GO!