What is it about Beverly? In addition to being Kerry Healey’s home town (where they absolutely love her), its resident bloggers are now hatching wild conspiracy theories about Christy Mihos being secretly in cahoots with Deval Patrick. The post features the telltale sign of baseless conspiracy-mongering: it claims without citation or backup that “rumors are going around.” Suuuuuure they are! The sages’ only “evidence” is the irrelevant fact — hardly a secret, since among other things it was front-paged right here — that Scott Ferson, a consultant who is Tim Murray’s spokesman, once worked for Christy Mihos. Whoop-de-doo.
Jon Keller, once again, nails it:
We havent hesitated here in the past to denounce silly left-wing conspiracy theorizing, and here we see its right-wing sibling. Like all wild conspiracy theories, it soils everyone it touches, unfairly besmirching Fersons unimpeachable reputation, and making Patrick out to be the exact opposite of what he claims to be, a politician who disdains old-fashioned under-the-table deal-making.
And it is the fantasizing of folks who know nothing about Mihos, who deserves to be accepted at face value, as a longtime political activist eager to make his points about a two-party system hes grown disenchanted with. Whatever his hurt feelings over not having his tenure on the Turnpike Authority board renewed by Mitt Romney, there is no substance to the notion that he wants back on now. If you knew Christy at all, youd know that he would never engage in such a deal, nor would the person who offered it be in their right mind, because Christy would almost immediately disclose the offer to the media.
Say what you will about the Mihos candidacy; its fair game. But please, lets put the tinfoil hats and Ovaltine Top Secret decoder rings away in the closet where they belong.
Note to self: don’t piss off Keller! 😉
Last Spring, in pre-convention season Silbert supporters tried in vain to get everyone riled up about the Ferson-Mihos connection (even here on BMG)…it didn’t have merit then, doesn’t have merit now.
Imagine if every Democratic official and consultant that ponied up to get GOP Ralph Martin elected DA in Suffolk County were now disqualified from helping Democratic candidates…those HQ war rooms would be pretty empty now.
Healey-Hillman and company are scraping the bottom of the desperation barrel trying to find something, anything that will shake Mihos off and discredit Deval Patrick…but this barrel is empty…as is the Healey-Hillman campaign.
I posted a reply over on HubPolitics, but they have a filter (Hoss, did you help them set up their site?) that prevents posts from appearing until the boys have approved it.
I didn’t intend to respond, but they did make one factual error that I would like to correct. It states that I was an employee of Christy Mihos at the beginning of his campaign. I have never been an employee of Mihos; not even counter staff. He was a client of my firm in 2001 and 2002 during his fight with Jane Swift. He was certainly not a client at any time during his campaign.
As for the charge, I would also like to point out that the Mormon church was a client of mine, and that I joined Mitt Romney as he gave a tour of the Boston Temple in Belmont to my former boss, Ted Kennedy. Coincidence? Are there really any coincidences in this city?
Scott Ferson
I can barely do anything more than type into my own lame blog…
Apparently Susan liked the title to my post about this over at MassChange.
Scott, wanna go on a cattle ride?
Oh, and how many wives do you have?
This is just about riling people up and casting aspersions.
Just before the state convention, someone began pushing a completely wacked out story about how Patrick was going to secretly instruct some delegates to vote for Gabrielli.
It was an asinine and nonsensical proposition on every front, but got to the point where Patrick actually addressed it (“I want every vote…”) in his speech to the convention.
These kinds of nasty dumb stories do not generate spontaniously out of the forces of political space-time–someone launches them to make someone look good, or bad, or feel better, or worse. Sometimes they even succeed, though I think not this time.