Time to Fight Fire with Fire, Kerry. Yes, yes, I know you will educate the voters about all the deals with the devil Deval (hey. devil? Deval? Ut oh. Hello Damien) has made to get the nomination.
But as I said before, Deval has the chick thing going on. Thats what gave him the big numbers yesterday. The same thing that keeps Clinton going and got Mitt elected.
Well sister, you may have the guy thing going on, and we can be bought. We had a meeting last night and it was pretty much agreed that well… you know.
We enjoyed your walk down the ramp during the Big Dig crisis. A guy’s imagination can do the rest. We don’t need anything revealing. Nobody wants a hussy as their governor. Just the occasional half size too small suit jacket, Fox 25 News style, to keep us interested. Those whatever you call them shirts you wore this summer did the job just fine. And keep the nice coiffed looks going. There should always be room for hair and make-up time on the schedule. Just dont go overboard and start looking like Libby Dole.
Now we will keep our mouths shut. It will be a little secret between you and us men. The problem is our wives. They suck. They will look you up down like you wanted to run off with their first born. Criticize what you wear and everything else. Ask Shannon OBrian. Unless of course they like you. Like they like Ellen. Then you cant lose. I think they will.
Its alright for us to know that they would like to ^%$# Deval or Bill Clinton or Donny Osmond. But if they thought that we thought about you that way, they will vote against you.
Generally speakin.
You Go Girl!
(as always, if you like this, reccommend it, so it doesn’t die in 2 hours)
are you saying–if you’re a prude, cover your eyes–that Healey is the LGMLF?
Carry On