Yeah, I’m nit-picking on poor Kerry Healey’s issues page, but if you’re a candidate for governor spending a decent chunk of change on your website, you should really proofread your stuff before posting it.
Here’s the quote:
Stand with Kerry Healey and Reed Hillman as they take on the key issues that impact our families and our future. Massachusetts can trust Kerry and Reed to protect the interests of taxpayers on Beacon Hill and lead the way toward safer communities, economic growth and a public education system that is preparing the next generation of workers for 21st century jobs.
Read Kerry’s Tough, Smart Solutions to Change Massachussets.
Shouldn’t it be a requirement that you’re able to spell the name of the state you’re seeking to govern???
In case they change it. Click on the thumbnail for the larger version.
sco, it look like you are starting up the oppo research program on Healey’s website. I know you’ll have fun with it. BTW, did you see my little dig at Howie?
I’ve got my hands full bringing Reilly voters into the fold here in town. This was CentralMAGuy’s catch.
and I approved this misspelling. đŸ™‚
Or Deval’s commercial
Campaign signs: $100,000
GOTV activities: $200,000
Bus rental: $300,000
Your opponent misspelling the name of the state she is campaigning in… priceless