Second, thank you to Reilly and Gabrieli, who showed a ton of class tonight. It’s been a long race, and they deserve all of our respect for their campaigns and their actions tonight as well. Unity will make or break us between now and November, and we’re going to need everyone to roll up their sleeves and go to work. I’m sure that all of you will. For those who were supporting the other two candidates…WE NEED YOU!
Lastly, I will be doing something tomorrow that I hope some others will do as well. I will be writing Reilly and Gabrieli, and thanking them as mentioned above. I will also be asking them to be real forces in terms of support and counsel in helping us retake the corner office. I’ll do this because I think both of them are very valuable resources to use towards our succes in November.
Deval says it very well, I’m really tired so I’ll steal his words. Each of the candidates has some good ideas. Let’s do unity right and let’s do it long after the unity breakfasts and such.
Together we can.
Was BMG by chance the anonymous blog Dan Payne claimed to have spoken to about traffic levels? On WBUR’s primary coverage tonight, Payne claimed that a “big” Democratic blogger told him the blog’s biggest traffic day was 5,400 “hits” (seriously, who still uses that term anyway?), which he then used to argue that the importance of blogs was overblown.