I went to the unity event yesterday at the Park Plaza….the one that Healey accused Deval of standing on the statehouse steps with the Beacon Hill insiders. It was glorious. Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, the Congressional Delegation lead by their dean Ed Markey. There was alot of political power arrayed behind Deval. The energy was fantastic and Gabrieli, Silbert, Goldberg all showed to lend support. Very classy.
Healy has nothing to compete against that with…except tired old Mitt…like today’s “surprise” about deteriorating road conditions in and around Boston. Maybe if he spent some time here he would know about the dangers.
Healy looked totally frustrated last night. She gets a cackle when she is lost. Kind of bad for TV I think. But as has been said here before there was only one Governor up there last night. Deval Patrick.
In just a few weeks.
bob-neer says