Mark your calendars. The first-ever BMG Unity Party is scheduled for Thursday 21 September at 9.00 PM. The campaign begins on 20 September, of course, but we wanted to let everyone get at least one night of sleep. will be held shortly after the primary, but date and location remain TBA. We were originally thinking that Thursday 9/21 would be good, but for various reasons next Tuesday, 9/26, is presently looking better. Thoughts? Preferences? We should settle it soon (obviously). Also, start time, venue and program suggestions welcome: please post in the comments.
The Editors will throw down for some *free beer* from our immense pot of advertising revenue; we’ll have folks from the various campaigns and maybe some distinguished members of the Fourth Estate; and we’ll talk about how best to ensure victory in November. Every member of the BMG community is welcome.
We’re advertising this now to make clear that the invitation stands no matter who wins Tuesday. The nightmare of incompetence, absenteeism, and divisive bring-out-your-worst politics that has characterized Republican governors in this state — not to mention Republican administration of the whole country — has to come to an end.
sabutai says
Is Gabrieli buying? No, seriously, a couple of thoughts:
Always loved Grendel’s Pub in Cambridge, but it’s a bit small.
Could we do a small cover charge to donate to Victory 06?
It’s very geeky, but nametags might not be a bad idea.
I imagine a big ceremony to award the person with the best prediction of the primary results wouldn’t be small fun either.
As long as it’s not in same insane out of the way place, I’m there. Consider it a warm-up for the Young Dems’ unitything the night after.
davemb says
Back here in June, which got eight entries. I’ll calculate the best* of these pm Wednesday and announce the winner in a new diary. I was going to give a prize if I got 20 entries, but I didn’t.
*I’m going to use the L1 norm, the sum over all i of the absolute value of
|predicted score for candidate i – actual score of candidate i|.
maverickdem says
“Hello, My Name Is: MaverickDem.” đŸ˜‰
lynne says
How’m I supposed to get any work done after taking a week and a half off, if I’m up til all hours on a Thursday, the first day I can possibly get back to my business?? (Wednesday is already out, I will be passed out from exhaustion and drinking the night before…)
Yeesh. ;P
shack says
at 7 p.m. on Mt. Vernon Street in Boston. I don’t know if that affects your choice of venue. A joint event could lead to some interesting discussions over a few cold ones, anyway.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Is this only if Deval wins? I can’t see you guys hangin’ with Reilly people. And who’s kiddin’ who? If Gabs wins, someone will punch someone’s lights out. We can’t have him as governor. We can’t have Reilly either. The problem is, we can’t have Deval. He will get croaked by Kerry.
This campaign has gone from the dullest to a real exciting one in the last week. There are so many uncommitted and weak Gabs votes. Anyone can pull this off.
Gabs showed some personality this week and it wasn’t a pretty side.
(By the way, what is this “investment” in stem cell research? That’s different than allowing it. Since when are the tax payers venture capitalists?)
Reilly’s prior fiascos are now old news and people still think he is sincere and honest. They either don’t understand or care about the constant crap that make him a fraud. (an honest and sincere one, but still a fraud.)
Deval is strongly leading in the polls yet none of the other two have screamed about the far left support he has and positions he has taken to get it. This is why I think Deval is the favorite. They have given it to him. Gabs was bullied and Reilly suckered into not going negative by Phil Johnston etc. Therefore did not tell the voters about Deval’s friends. So they deserve to lose.
If Deval wins, I’ll be there. Because that will be a party!!!
I don’t think the other two candidates or their campaigns know how to have a good time.
jaybooth says
The dept of energy for example funds tons of startups. It’s actually good policy, it’s peanuts in the federal budget and funds all kinds of experimental research. The thing is, Bush turned off the federal spigot for stem cells so unless individual states step up, we’ll be way behind South Korea on this one in 5-10 years. I’m pretty sure all 3 candidates support MA funding stem cell research. CA already is I think.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Big difference from state investment
sabutai says
…if I do some drinking, I’m gonna punch somebody out somewhere somehow. Politics has nothing to do with it — it’s just part of having a good time.
And Ernie, if you think a campaign supporting an Irish pol doesn’t know how to live it up, you gotta get yourself to Southie more!
andy says
It is so anit-Irish I can’t stand it. BMG has always thought it was better then me but now with this strong anti-Irish “race” war I am offended (I am half-Irish so it is personal). Good bye BMG
(Pssst…I am actually poking a little fun at another commenter, my half-Irish side went into convulsions after free beer so you can pretty much guarantee I will be there)
charley-on-the-mta says
That Andy’s last name is “Miller”, and he is from Wisconsin. You might say he’s all about beer.
bob-neer says
andy says
Look away! No one can really know my true identity, I have so carefully hid it and for Charley to blow my cover is just shameful! Now that everyone knows I am a beer heir people will be lining up for handouts from my millions. I know how Paris Hilton feels now. Does anyone have any cheese.
gary says
Know how Paris Hilton feels … or so I’ve heard.
mromanov says
Had too many drinks for a half-Irish?
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
By calling Reilly an Irish pol. He is more like an Irish setter. Or an Irish sweater. Or an Irish stew (yuk). Or Irish soda bread, or an Irish priest.
But an Irish pol? That he most certainly ain’t.
He’s a pol who happens to be Irish. The worse kind.
cephme says
I will make my best effort to be there. Something T accessible would be preferable. We are having a local unity party, but I think that is on Weds. I am also going through some family stuff, but would love to finally meet you all face to face. I will try to make time.
stomv says
you’ll be partying without me.
And, at the risk of sounding like a mass transit elitist, busses don’t count. Put it within .5 miles of a subway stop please.
Incidentally, Drinking Liberally had an event at The Globe Cafe in Copley Square — the event pimped on this blog. Decent food, lots of beers, and they have up upstairs “lounge” area that I suspect can be reserved. So, there’s always that.
rollbiz says
Yes, those of us outside of 128 DO in fact exist. If anyone should be interested in a few unity drinks for the forgotten 2/3rds of MA, I’d love to make something happen in The Heart of the Commonwealth, AKA Worcester.
Email me at… robargeATgmailDOTcom if you’re interested.
charley-on-the-mta says
… when you find a time and place, and we’ll front-page it.
rollbiz says
I hope I didn’t come across as if I was knocking the effort that you guys were talking about. It’s quite possible I did, my nerves are shot from too many long days of working my day job and lots of campaign work on the side. If it did come across that way, I apologize. I really appreciate everything that you, Bob, David, and all of the regular contributors do here.
I just figure that there will be some people who, like myself, can’t make it into Boston…Particularly on a weekday. This way, BMGers can party all over the state!
-lightiris, if you see this or my other posts, please email me at robargeATgmailDOTcom and we’ll talk details.-
lightiris says
For those of us outside the 128 belt, getting in & out of Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, etc., is a nightmare. Would it be possible to move it to the middle a bit? And, as a school teacher who needs to be in class at 7:15 AM, I’m not so sure that 9 PM is feasible, either. Just sayin’.
sco says
Watertown! With it’s easy access to the Pike, convenient public transportation (it’s not a bus, it’s a trackless trolley). We have many fine eating and drinking establishments (more than Belmont, anyway) and we are now free of toxic waste!
lightiris says
but still, if you live in Springfield or Ware or Amherst, Watertown is really not very convenient. Can’t we meet in the middle?
sco says
But then I couldn’t suggest the place two blocks from my house so I wouldn’t have to drive anywhere đŸ˜‰
ron-newman says
lightiris says
Okay, the middle. Looking at the map, is Waltham in the “middle” of Massachusetts?
There’ll be a quiz on Friday.
bluewatertown says
sco is right: Watertown is half-way between North Adams and Provincetown (driving distance). I think it’s a great idea! đŸ™‚
Provincetown to Watertown: 121.72 miles
North Adams to Watertown: 124.90 miles
rollbiz says
How do you feel about something in Worcester this Friday night lightiris?
If you (and perhaps some others from Central/Western MA) are interested, I’ll come up with a place/directions/etc.
d2yd says
All are welcome and encouraged to join MDF/The Young dems of MA THIS Friday, September 22nd for our Post-Primary Party! Victory ’06 address from Matt Kennedy. Honorary Hosts and Sponsors include Senator Kennedy, Senator Kerry, Congressman Capuano, and Middlesex D.A. Martha Coakley
Friday, 9/22, 6pm – Bell in Hand, 45 Union Street
Join MDF/The Young Democrats of MA as we galvanize forces and rally behind our democratic candidates!
Just in time to recuperate and re-energize from a long primary season, come meet up with young democrats, volunteers, activists, and campaigns to focus on the final phase of Victory ’06 – electing democrats from the local office to the corner office!