In what looks to be a bout of vindictive late-campaign insanity (likely prompted, as such mis-guided efforts usually are, by lack of sleep in a frantic campaign office), the Goldberg campaign has attacked the Brookline TAB by taking out a full-page ad in the newspaper itself to whine about its endorsement of Andrea Silbert for Lieutenant Governor.
“We were absolutely appalled at the vitriol and deep animus that permeated the Tab’s personal attack on Lieutenant Governor Candidate Deborah Goldberg, published last week. Following a number of paragraphs praising one of her opponents, the Tab launched into bitter criticism of Deb’s six years of service as a Selectman including two years as Chair, of her campaign for Lt. Governor, and of her personal character.”
Wipe the spittle from the screen, I believe, would be the advice of the trusty BMG community. One wonders what advertisements will be run should she lose the entire election. Click here for a full discussion with lots of comments at the Brookline TAB’s blog.
frankskeffington says
I’ve been trying to warn folks about Deb and her self destructive behavior for six weeks. Maybe the 2000 activists that read this blog know it. But the average voter is just being brainwashed by her wallet. Where is the damn press with you need them.
After all, there is a real good story about Deb that a reporter should love to write.
greg-reibman says
Here’s the link to the Brookline TAB’s blog http://www.townonlin…
bob-neer says
Fixed in the main post.
stomv says
since she also had her own section of the opinion column, all in her support. You read that right: the letters to the editor were broken up into two distinct sections: “regular town issues” and “pro-DG letters”. There were no anti-DG letters, and nearly all of the pro-DG letters took the tact that it was inappropriate of the TAB to spend so many column inches attacking DG, and virtually no inches even mentioning TM. Regardless of my stance on DG, I tend to agree. I think the TAB was a bit out of bounds in their last week’s coverage of the LG race.
The TAB should have endorsed AS, but shouldn’t have spent so many inches tearing down DG in the process. DG’s full page ad, signed by lots of the “anybody whos anybody” Brookline crowd — combined with so many pro-DG letters to the editor — seemed pretty effective… if Brookline were the only town voting in the LG race.