The Globe’s take on Patrick is now that he’s fuzzy on the issues. Witness Brian McGrory’s piece today in which he accuses us “sandal-wearing, Volvo-driving acolytes from Newton and Lexington” of liking him just for his personality.
I’d direct McGrory to both Patrick’s and Healey’s websites to compare who has the most comprehensive rundowns on the issues. The only thing on the Healey website is her list of 50 ideas–some of them no doubt worth considering, but all propounded with a cursory paragraph or two. Patrick has exenstive commentary on a wide range of issues. He wins the issues battle hands down.
I’d add that when I tried to get the candidates’ positions on issues of concern to my organization, The Massachusetts Coalition of Families and Advocates for the Retarded, Inc. (COFAR), only the Patrick campaign responded to me.
McGrory gets all rankled whenever a fellow member of the media doesn’t get exactly what he wants, so that’s what this article is all about. Too bad that his occasionally right-on sharp rhetoric was way off the mark here.
In contrast, you’re absolutely right about the issues, though I think you actually give Healey’s 50-ideas a bit too much credit. Once you consolidate the “taxes-illegal immigrants-sex offenders” message together you’re left with far less than 50 — and some of those are insipid and hardly “bold” ideas dealing with teen cell-phone use and golf courses.
I agree that Patrick’s ideas are comprehensive and well-organized. Some of it may need to be updated a bit (i.e. it references that he would sign the Economic Stimulus Bill in law, which is has been since the end of the primary campaign), but it clearly more detailed than the cursory materials Healey provides.
It is obvious that having a strong and comprehensive plan and/or firm stance on divisive issues is critical to a campaign. I for one believe that it is a common fault among most Democrats to try to be everything to everyone which can often leave to a vague or fluff-filled campaign. However, I would not put Deval’s campaign in this category keeping in mind that of course there is room for him and all of the candidates to strengthen their positions and proposals.
To the criticism of voting for someone based on personality: People have always voted based on personality. When you say personality, what you are saying is values + character. Deval is by far the most prolific amonst candidates in the character department and his progressive values centered on protecting the freedom and prosperity of all citizens reflect those of the voters here in Massachusetts. So, you do the math.
Real leadership, real change, real action, REAL politics is recognizing that there is a stark difference between winning a campaign and serving in office. I think Deval recognizes this better than most and is determined to be a governor that reflects Massachusetts’ vision and love of freedom and equality.
C’mon, McGrory, sometimes you hit it on the head, but you’re creeping this “Non-slip-sole-work-shoe-wearing, 10-year-old-Dodge-minivan-driving acolyte from Westborough” right out.
Are these bobos in paradise giving Patrick a 30%-some lead in the polls now? No kidding! I didn’t know there were so many.
As a resident of Newton and Patrick supporter, I just wanted to let you know I drive a Ford.