Just got back from our joint forum in JP with the Ward 11 and 19 Democratic Committees. After two hours, the Ward 19 Committee came up with the following endorsements:
Deval Patrick for Gov — not unexpected, by a 20-2-2-2 vote (Gabs, Reilly, No Endorsement/Abstain)
Lt Gov — no 2/3 majority, though Tim Murray received 17 votes, Deb Goldberg 4 and Andrea Silbert 6.
Secretary of State — Bill Galvin got the endorsement by a 17-7 vote over John Bonifaz of JP (Bonifaz probably did better in Ward 11)
9th Congressional District — Phil Dunklebarger received about 20 votes, Congressman Lynch got 1 and there were 5-6 “no endorsements”.
Second Suffolk — Sonia Chang-Diaz fell one vote short of an endorsement, getting 19 votes to Senator Wilkerson’s 10.
Sixth Suffolk (House) — Willie Mae Allen showed up, Bill Celester didn’t, endorsement to Allen.
Both “Mauras” (Hennigan and Doyle) were also endorsed by the committee for Suffolk County Court positions. Mickey Roache was endorsed for Registrar of Deeds and all uncontested incumbents for the area were endorsed, along with Martha Coakley.
Following the endorsements, the group adjourned to Doyles, which is where all good JP political gatherings end up.
More tomorrow maybe, good night ….
hlpeary says
In WD 19…very liberal dominion…it is no suprise that Deval would score big…but the surprise is who the Patrick supporters clearly want as his running mate…Tim Murray by a wide margin…makes sense…Murray makes Deval stronger for November run…in the end Democrats are in a winning mood…they don’t want to leave anything to chance…they don’t want a victory, they want a landslide!!
howardjp says
I think we were all surprised by some of the results, particularly Murray and Galvin … and as “pragmatic” as the folks may have been on those races, other races took on a “send them a message” form, i.e. 9th CD.
wormtown says
The Globe did not make their endorsements for Gov & LG independent of one another. It was a thoughtful process in which they believed a Patrick/Murray would be in the best interest for Massachusetts.
hoss says
…wants Silbert apparently.
At least it’s clear who they DONT want.
howardjp says
and congratulations to Andrea for that, she’s a good candidate and has run a good campaign.
Ward 19 Co-Chair Bob Pulster, BTW, hired Tim for his first job, a housing search slot at South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC). He would hire him again — :).
jpsox says
Howard, I know what it feels like to be a forgotten appendage to a district: one thing for Ward 19/11 organizers to remember is that there are several JP precincts in Ward 10. it always bothers me when Wards 19 and 11 get together and claim to be having a joint JP forum or to be making joint JP endorsements. What about the part of JP that’s sandwiched between Hyde Square and the Jamaica Way, Perkins St and Mission Hill? Ward 10.
howardjp says
And hopefully will do so again. Rozzie people in Ward 19 also gripe when we call it a JP forum, so we try to get there for meetings (the 2006 caucus was in Roslindale, for example)
The Lieutenant Governor’s Forum for the Second Suffolk in May included invites to the convention delegates of all 10 wards in the district (and was open to the public), most of the 2nd Suffolk ward committees co-sponsored it. I did see some people there from the ward.
As it turns out, Ward 10 did their own forum that night and the Senate candidates had to bounce around a bit. It also gets tough sometimes when we have forums that include multiple wards as you end up with more candidates than you have time to respectfully cover.
Thanks for the reminder!