Dear Fellow Progressive,
We’re 14 days away from a big win on Election Day. How big? Well, that’s kind of up to you.
So far, Midwest Values PAC has given money, some of it possibly yours, to Democrats all over the country. But it seems like every time we contribute to a Democrat in one race, a Republican in another race screws up and another seat is suddenly in play. The field of competitive races is expanding faster than Rush Limbaugh’s waistline during the holidays, and we’re expanding our field of supported candidates to match.
The more money we raise, the more candidates we can support. Many of you have been kind enough to suggest candidates in your area who deserve support, and we’ll help as many as we can. But since I’m writing to ask you for money once again, I thought it would only be fair to give you a vote in determining who should get our next Big Giant Check.
So go to our website
and take a look at the ten candidates we’ve nominated for your consideration (many of whom were suggested by MVP members).
Make a membership contribution of $25 or more, and you’ll have a chance to vote for your favorite one. Whichever candidate receives the most votes will get a check for $5,000 personally autographed by me, Al Franken (actually, by our accountant, Shelli). And if we raise enough, we’ll have some more checks to give out to some of those other candidates, as well. So, the more you contribute, the more money we can give away.
Sound good? Then click here to help me turn more red seats blue next month. Voting will run until 9 AM Central Time next Monday morning (October 30), and then we’ll announce the winner.
Thanks for your support, and don’t forget: it takes a 2/3 majority to override a veto, so we’ll need all the Congressional Democrats we can elect!
Your pal,
Al Franken
PS Remember, we don’t want to wake up November 8 wishing we’d done more to elect Democrats to Congress. It’s up to us how big this tidal wave can be, so please, please, please help as much as you can.