The paper ballot, the inside envelope, and the outside mailing envelope, requires 63 cents (more than one ounce). However, this is not specifically indicated on the ballot envelope.
Instead, in the corner where you normally place your stamp, it says “Place stamp (or stamps) here.”
My neighbor, a member of the Hudson Democratic Town Committee called Secy. Galvin’s office and asked about it. The office claimed that the Secretary of State would pick up any extra mailing costs. Hmmm. Does that mean that each town clerk is going to have to apply for a refund from the state? If that is the case, I’m betting the towns will get stuck with the bill. I hope it doesn’t cost them much.
More worrisome to me is how many absentee ballots will not get delivered. While I have faith that the Post Office will forward regardless of postage applied, you just never know.
Secretary Galvin, how about some planning next time?
Put this one in the Dumb Mass category
Smart Mass, Dumb Mass
Absentee ballots are only counted if a recount is necessary. By the talk on this blog, it isn’t going to be close. An absentee ballot will be just a waste of time, money and effort.
and sorry, I’d vote even if it was a 90 point polling difference. Besides. While the gov race might be a blow out, the ballot questions will be tight!
I can’t seem to verify your claim that they are not counted. Care to provide a reference?
In my city, absentee ballots are delivered to their appropriate polling locations throughout election day, checked off on the voter lists, and run through the scanner just like all the other ballots. I smell a rat here.
I’ve poll watched in Boston and Somerville in the past year and have seen this happen.
Got a link? Otherwise, you’re a troll and I’m deleting the comment.
That was a bit heavy-handed. Not exactly the big tent attitude one might hope for.
I thought I had also heard that absentee ballots weren’t counted — although I’d be delighted to hear that what I’d heard was not correct.
On other matters, I always vote, partially because it’s part of what makes me, me, and partially to maintain my ‘supervoter’ status. My understanding (and, again, this could be incorrect) is that people who vote consistently are more likely to be contacted for polls. And whereas my vote is unlikely to count in an actual election, it sure counts in a 400 or 600 person poll
Oh, and don’t forget, immigrants (both legal and illegal) from alternate realities are scheduled to vote on Wednesday, Nov 8… Write that down on your calendar, IKant, and don’t forget.
Unless you live in Ohio or Florida maybe.
Don’t be fooled by someone saying that the Absentee Ballots aren’t counted. They are. In most cities or towns, the absentee ballots are brought to the appropriate polling place during the day and are checked off in the voting book and counted just like every other ballot.
“lkant” don’t try to disinfranchise and discourage voters who must vote absentee.
I thought there was some proposed legislation to make the envelopes postage paid? Couldn’t Galvin do that himself? This is another simple thing that could have been done to make voting easier for people, but has not been done. Any guesses why? In terms of the extra cost, I bet there are some cost savings if someone votes by absentee ballot which offsets the minimal cost of the postage, but in any event, we are talking about a fundamental right here.
unless the state of MA is prepared to pay the USPO. The US gov’t would have to approve free postage for voting — and I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Besides, for most people it’s cheaper to vote absentee than to vote in person (price of gas/T, cost of time). Furthermore, states that have complete vote-by-mail (Oregon) would get a better deal than the rest of us, and that ain’t cool. đŸ˜‰
why wasn’t yours? does it differ from city to city?
Was yours a large brown envelope? (about 10″ long by 5″ wide) Inside was another brown envelope a bit smaller but big enough for the 6ish fold ballot (on yellow paper)…
It could be that the ballots differ – I’ve only ever voted in Hudson so I have nothing to compare…
same here, but the inner envelope was postage-paid
They are only postage paid in the US. If you vote from abroad the foreign post office doesn’t recognize the postage paid guarantee and you must pay several dollars to have your vote counted. And yes, troll, it is worth having your vote counted no matter how not-close the election might be. There are also down-ballot races some of us care about, and some of us are simply dedicated to participating in the democratic process and fulfilling what we see as a duty and responsibility to vote. Even if it costs 60 cents ore 3 dollars.