An update on BMG’s traffic: sometime this past week we exceeded 2 million page loads. We’ve recorded over 700,000 unique visitors since we started keeping statistics on Dec. 1, 2004. Our traffic lately has been running something like 4,000 to 5,000 unique visitors most weekdays. You can generate your own traffic report here, and the traffic report link is always available in the “About” box. Also, if you missed it, there was a short article about us (and the sages of Beverly) in the Herald earlier this week.
Thanks, again, to all who read and post here. This site has come further than Charley, Bob and I ever dared hope it would.
Please share widely!
bob-neer says
From the Herald article:
I have a few questions: (1) what on earth is an “electronic political rally,” (2) is it true that political rallies don’t have much effect on individual voters … or maybe it’s only electronic ones that don’t, and (3) with respect, why was Professor Watanabe selected by Jessica Heslam to sum up the subject since, according to the UMass Boston website, “Professor Watanabe’s principal teaching and research interests are in the areas of international relations, the process of making foreign policy, strategic and defense policy, American political behavior, and ethnic group politics. He is the author of Ethnic Groups, Congress, and
American Foreign Policy. His publications have included chapters and articles on anti-nuclear political activism, United States-Japan relations, American foreign policy during the Reagan Administration, the Cold War, the rise of the religious right in America, and the electoral behavior of independents. His articles have appeared in Political Psychology, World Today, Public Perspective, and Business in the Contemporary World. He is co-director of the Institute for Asian American Studies and co-author of A Dream Deferred: Changing Demographics, Challenges, and New Opportunities in Boston.”
p>Anyway, glad to hear we are crushing Hub Politics traffic-wise, although who knows if their “traffic has soared” as election day approaches, or if they get 1,000 readers a day, 1,000 hits (which is different from unique readers, and usually means page elements downloaded; one page can have numerous graphical and other elements), 100, or even 50, since they won’t release their traffic figures.
lynne says
I mean, WTF? That quote was stuck on the end like an afterthought. Is the MSM so desperate to downplay any influence a blog might have because of their declining circulation?
Yeesh. I don’t completely disagree with the statement, but it’s not completely accurate either.
david says
If HubPol is counting pageloads as “hits,” and they’re getting about 1,000 a day, they’re probably getting only 300 or so actual unique visitors, since most visitors load more than 1 page.
frankskeffington says
…the two millionth hit on BMG and the three hundredth person born in the US–all in the same week and maybe at the same instance.
Wow, I need to let this all sink in.
sabutai says
…using my George Bush Tax Textbook, I’ve calculated that 1 out of every 150 Americans (300mln/2mln) has read this blog. Wow.
lynne says
Seriously, I hate you guys…