The Boston Globe / WBZ Poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, released October 26, 2006 has Deval Patrick up by 25 points.
Patrick 54%
Healey 29%
Mihos 8%
Ross 2%
Other 1%
DK 6%
The negatives continue to look ugly for Kerry Healey.
Favorable Unfavorable
Healey 34% 51%
Patrick 60% 27%
Please share widely!
The complete poll writeup is here. What I found most interesting was:
p> – Dan
during this campaign and I think he has a great future as a radio talk show host.
Seriously. Or even cable TV. If Worcester’s Jordan Levy can do it, why not him? He’s attractive in a goofy sorta way, he obviously loves the spotlight and the rough-and-tumble of politics, and he is quick on his feet.
It’ll be a steady gig, every bit as interesting for him as running a supermarket chain and less disappointing than running for Governor has been. He’ll be able to keep his hand in and weigh in on the issues of the day without spending his milions on another third-party run. And I’m sure that there’s some radio station out there who can use someone with his strong opinions and quick wit.
Hell, the first three shows can be devoted to interviewing his three former opponents. That I’d definitely tune in for.
I said this to some of the BMG group at Viva Bene’s, but I hope Grace Ross is offered a spot in the new Patrick/Murray administration. She’s a graceful apeaker and thoughtful advocate and they can use someone with her talent and committment.
I met Ross’ Lt. Governor running mate Martina Robinson at UMass Amherst; she was as of two years ago a grad student there, highly visible not just because of her obvious handicap but because she was (if memory serves) a vocal member of just about every progressive group on campus, a fact that the local Young Repugs loved to attack in their mouthpiece, The Minuteman, where they periodically published crude and cruel cartoons of her. I admire her guts in putting herself out there statewide for her party, but I’m not one bit surprised. That’s the kind of person she is.
Healey, I’m sure, will find something to do. She has a lot of connections. Unfortunately for her, you need more than money and connections to get people to vote for you.
Mihos to Muffy: “GOD FORBID, if you become governor…”
He’s got that Masshole bluntness that is definitely refreshing, though I don’t agree with his politics.
Nor was the idea to focus on all the hidden fees that the Romney/Healey Admin has been bumping up at a frantic pace.
You only have to have some time on your hands, access to the MDR figures, the school fees database, the property tax database that goes back to the 1970’s and a desire to ferret this stuff out and you can see that this was always a ‘hot button’ waiting to be pushed. (Mix in a look at every override vote taken in the Commonwealth since Prop 2 1/2 went into effect, where they worked and where they didn’t was also a help.)
Ah, it worked because it was time for it to be brought up and hammered home.
But looking at the details, the last of the three day sampling is only a few hours after the debate.
Field Period: October 22 – 25, 2006
Hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The only thing it shows is that the kinder, gentler Kerry Healey that she rolled out this week is not working either.
What else can she try?
If Romney can be governor of Massachusetts, couldn’t Kerry Muffy Healey be governor of Utah?
And converts to Mormonism.
You don’t get anywhere politically in Utah unless you’re LDS, and being a woman in that culture is yet another strike against you.
Er, you were serious, right?
She has a better chance in Utah than in Massachusetts. Okay, she might get 40% instead of 34%, but it’s still a better chance.
The only way she is going to win another election is another state. I have met Kerry Healey. I have sat through too many meetings with Kerry Healey. I am not heavily invested in finding a place where she can be successful.
You don’t think Deval should find a spot for her in his administration? She might be an upgrade over the cop killers they use for the janitorial staff in the statehouse. Just thinking outside the box here.
Maybe she can be a criminologist intern, learning the ropes of the US criminal justice system while fetching coffee and making photocopes.
One of her 50 pet rocks as I recall.
Maybe the MWRA could put her expertise to work at Deer Island.
p> – Dan
Recently spoke to a relative who lives in Utah and claims things are changing. He grew up in Massachusetts at a time when you had to be Catholic to get anywhere in politics.
The mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson, is a liberal Democrat who has publicly broken with the LDS.
That he’s from Salt Lake City – which is a city. I know Utah is about as red as it gets (in fact, it could be the reddest), but cities are always going to be bluer than the rest. However, Rocky Anderson has been sort of a phenom and has reached national stature on more than one occasion. Not many mayors of similarly sized cities could say the same. I can’t even think of the Mayor of Chicago, LA or Houston off the top of my head.
There was an article in the Boston Globe about Marty Meehan NOT GIVING any money to get Democrats in the House Offices. Most everyone has given accept him. He has over 4,500,000 that he has filed as ON HAND!
Kerry and Kenndy and other democrat house reps have given MONEY and TIME. This House Rep out of Lowel MA has done nothing!! He WILL NOT open his wallet! Please call his office and DEMAND MONEY BE GIVEN!
Most Sincerely
Mother of U Special Forces Soldier
“But Representative Martin Meehan of Lowell, who has more cash on hand than any other member of the US House — $4.9 million — is abiding by his decision not to give any more cash directly from his campaign to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, according to spokesman Sandra Salstrom.”
The Honorable Martin T. Meehan
United States House of Representatives
2229 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2105
DC Phone: 202-225-3411
District Offices:
Haverhill City Hall, Room 201 A
4 Summer Street
Haverhill, MA 01830 Voice: 978-521-1845
FAX: 978-521-1843
to Haverhill office from Google Maps
11 Kearney Square
Lowell, MA 01852-1940 Voice: 978-459-0101
FAX: 978-459-1907
to Lowell office from Google Maps
305 Essex Street, 4th Floor
Lawrence, MA 01840 Voice: 978-681-6200
FAX: 978-682-6070
I’m not a fan of Meehan- he and his acolytes were downright nasty to us Deval workers back at the ’05 Convention in Lowell- but enough with dumping on the guy. I have no problem with him keeping his campaign money for his own campaign use. The people who contributed to Marty Meehan contributed to Marty Meehan– not to some guy in Florida or Tennesse. Most people who contribute to candidates expect that the money will be spent on lawn signs, bumper stickers, mailings, etc. to help the actual candidate to whom they gave it.
p>If Marty Meehan decides that it’s in his best interest to send some money to the DCCC then that’s great, good for him. But if he decides that he wants to keep it in his own campaign and use it for the purposes intended by his contributors, then he shouldn’t be slammed for it. If the DCCC is so incompetent and ineffectual that it is incapable of raising money from other sources, rather than shaking down incumbents, then screw them. The same goes for the individual candidates. If they are incapable of raising the money and generating the grassroots support that it takes to win, it’s not Marty Meehan’s fault.
This whole Marty Meehan business is off topic, and doesn’t belong in this diary. There is a “DCCC Crying Poor-mouth” diary somewhere else here on BMG, where this discussion belongs.
In fact, I think you’re on to something here. Let’s ban candidates from funnelling their campaign money to other candidates all together. I mean, if it’s not okay for him to give his plethora dolores now, it shouldn’t be ever, right? After all, his contributors contributed to him! And we all know his contributors are the hard working people of Massachusetts richest lobbyists from across the country – and they deserve to buy elections and the candidates they choose make sure their candidates only give their money to other people they like.
I just said he shouldn’t have to. People gave the money to him. He should be free to use it or keep it for himself, without a bunch of begging hands pestering him to send it to another state.
You mean pharmacueticals, HMOs, PACs, etc. etc. etc…. sure.
Which pharmacueticals, HMOs, PACs, have given to Marty Meehan? Do you even know what you’re talking about, or are you just throwing out talking points? Meehan doesn’t take PAC money.
My point is do YOU want to regain control in thje Senate and in the HOUSE? Or do you want the Republicans to control it ALL?
Right now this country is run by HITLER=
george bush, republican seante and house.
And yes thanks so much for your support musons LIFE is on the LINE!
p>Bush is a pretty lousy president (probably the worst), but comparing him, Hastert, or Frist to Hitler is just fucking offensive.
The problem includes the fact that money can only be transferred from one federal election (House, Senate, President) to another. Talk about a rule designed to hobble governors from running for President.
a running average of recent polls is illuminating. Healey hasn’t lost any ground… She hovers at the 30 percent mark. So Patricks surge (and the average does look like a surge) isn’t really coming at the expense of Healey. Those 30 percent are the Rush Limbaugh Republicans: they’d vote for Romney, war (Iraq), torture (Abu Ghraib), corruption (the 109th congress)… anything with an ‘(R)’ next to the name… They’d probably still vote for Healey if she killed, cooked and ate senior citizens with a side dish of spiced baby on the steps of the State House…
One poll, in the last two weeks or so, had the undecideds at 11%. The two most recent are both at 6%. If I’m not very much mistaken, that’s pretty low for two weeks out… (insert standard ‘more work to do’ yadda yadda yadda disclaimer here)
That’s the story of this race.