Now, I’ve been a Massachusetts Democrat and a Red Sox fan far too long to not worry about the possibility of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory; however CQ has some of the best poltical and statistical analysts working in the US. The fact that they moved their ranking from “No Clear Favorite” to “Democrat Favored” —
leapfrogging right over “Democrat Leaning” — hmmm….
This is really big news.
Please share widely!
roboy3 says
I don’t know what the problem is with CQ, but they are NOTORIOUSLY behind on publishing their views. You would think they are using a printing press or something.
The report cited here may have been released today, but it was written somewhere around September 26, or perhaps as late as the 30th. And really, you have to conclude that they were not even paying attention until Rasmussen beat them to the punch when they started with “No Clear Favorite”. Every poll ever taken in the primary showed Gabs, Reilly, and Deval beating Healy handily.
Nope, I have to say CQ is what it says it is: a quarterly review. They’ll have another opinion of how Deval is doing this week in 3 months.
metrowest-dem says
The ON-LINE edition of CQ has been firing off multiple posts a day as news breaks.
roboy3 says
Does not make them up on all races. They are really bad at letting old information stand. Witness the above. zzzzzzzz Huh? Some guy named Deval? They are consistently behind the times.
frankskeffington says
They quote the late September SurveyUSA poll with Deval’s 40 point lead, a day after SurveyUSA comes out with a new poll, showing an 18 point lead.
Besides, as you point out, how did they start with a “no clear favorite in the first place? Even me, the Chicken Little of BMG has long reconized that this has been Democratic leaning race for months.