But showing Dan Conley trying to peek over the microphones was a good thing. For me anyway.
Wave Christy off. You have been patient enough. Unfortunately you do look like Mandy Pepperidge trying to not talk to someone from Delta House.
Attack quickly and deadly. Have a line or two. But have an attitude. Like, the grownups are going to talk now Christy and if you don’t behave you will have to wait in the car attitude.
Questions for tomorrows debate:
Mr. Mihos:
Why do you wear your hair like a 70s porn star?
ALL Four Candidates:
Will there be a place in your administration for Jimmy Myers?
Where do you stand on successful black guys dating white chicks? Do you think black women have a legitimate complaint? Are you down with the sisters on this?
If all gay people are homosexuals, and only gay women are lesbians, and all lesbians are gay, then why is it always referred to as “gay and lesbian”? What will you do to empower gay men and stop this intimidation and exploitation?
Should a judge grant Alice Kramden a restraining order against Ralph?
Two Pahtah:
1. Have you ever made-out in a bar?
2. If so was it with someone you met that night? (morning? afternoon?)
Deval and Christy:
How many suits do you own?
All Four:
How would you get from Quincy Adams to Leachmere Station by;
1. car?
2. train?
3. taxi?
4. Boston Coach?
5. Segway?
6. bike?
7. heel – toe express
Does anyone have a Stop and Shop Card? Lets see it.
Speaking of the Kramdens, what the hell did Alice do all day? She had no job, no kids, two rooms, no carpeting, no TV. Yet she always had a dish rag in her hand. Trixie too. What gives? Then, when Ralph got home all she would do is complain. The question is, was Ralph really a saint to put up with her shit?
Question for Deval;
Does Massachusetts need another short person in such a big job? We had Dukakis, Romney, Bulger, Cellucci, Finneran,… I could go on. Isn’t it time to give a person with more stature a chance?
Ok, let’s see how each candidate looks giving the middle finger. Christy, you first.
(I bet Christy could be conned into giving the camera the finger)
Question for Deval, Christy, and Kerry
Now that you all are rich, what is the one luxury you would not want t o live without?
(Possible answers
Deval – naive, rich, guilt-ridden white people
Christy – a comb
Kerry – my rich husband
There was only ONE state worker that won a Nobel Prize this year. Last year there were none. What can we do to get more out of our state workers and increase the number of Nobel Prize recipients?
It’s too bad David’s away. Because he definitely would have recommended this post. Can someone do it for him?
but where’s the poll?
Also, the button seems to be missing for me…
You must be over your RECOMMEND quota today.
That’s how you get from Quincy Adams to Lechmere
Q for Deval, Christy, Kerry, and Grace
a. Let’s say everyone here were single, and each of you was going to ask one debater on a date for Friday night. Whom would you ask, and what would you propose?
b. Who amongst you saw Snakes On A Plane?
Q for Christy
Spell “Potato”