Deval Patrick’s comments to reporters when he first announced his support of Cape Wind:
“When I started down this path, I thought I would go and talk to both sides in the argument. It turns out there are four or five sides and I’ve talked to all of them, or almost all of them, at this point. And there are thoughtful objections, there are thoughtful arguments on the other side of this question. There are aesthetic concerns, there are environmental concerns, and there are going to be passions that run high over a project of this kind. But the role of leadership, in my view, is to balance those interests, no matter how high the passions run, and to make a judgment that is in the best interests of all the people of Massachusetts. And I believe that this project passes that muster.
This is a good project for our economy, this is a good project for our Commonwealth, because it’s both about great jobs, both in the construction and the maintenance and the management of the project. It’s also about putting a stake in the ground in our own leadership, as a location and an incubator for alternative and renewable services and products. If we make Massachusetts the center for that kind of business, for that kind of industry, the whole world will be our customer, and that is good for Massachusetts.”