Kos started it and Chris Bowers echoed the notion that incumbent, unchallenged Congressional Dems with large campaign chests should dip into their kitties to ensure a Democratic House.
Bower gives a progress report:
This is really working. I have heard from sources that the entire New Jersey and Massachusetts delegation are calling in to pledge more money. Barney Frank is giving another $253K of his $800K, or just over 30%. I have also received word that this new money will go to the further out races beyond the top twenty-five. People are getting the message, and it is much more effective coming from the grassroots, which normally doesn’t ask for this sort of thing, than it would be if only other people in the leadership were asking. This is really working, and it is only going to get bigger. Keep the calls going!
Did the polite emails and phone calls from BMG posters (and maybe some strong blog comments read by a couple of thousand politically active folks in MA) factor into this? Let’s hope it’s true and, after the donations are reported during the next filing period, we can thank the Congressmen (they are men) for their efforts.
BTW, Barney ROCKED on Bill Maher tonight.
The Globe picked up on the issue in an article reporting that “Senator John F. Kerry is under increasing pressure from Democratic Party leaders and activists to tap his $14 million campaign account and spread the money around to help the party’s efforts.”
Don’t forget, what goes around comes around. Not only will the grassroots remember decisions like these, so will the folks elected with the help of people minded like Frank. Think having Senators Jon Tester or Sheldon Whitehouse in town for a fundraiser would prove useful to Barney Frank when he does run for that seat?
That Kerry ended his race with all that cash in the bank. The Carlos Beltran of national politics.
So I’ll content myself with comparing where Kerry will be in 2008 with where Lieberman was in 2004.
took a called 3rd strike with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th inning with bases loaded in the last game of the NL pennant series. A hit or a walk could have kept the Mets alive (they were down 3-1). Striking out handed the pennant to the Cardinals.
…the home plate umpire was horrible in that game, so players were swinging at balls and looking at strikes all night. Sort of like how the media mostly can’t (or won’t) tell the difference between a substantive campaign and an ideologically bankrupt one.