First, Mitt “No Wacko Left Behind” Romney shows up with ringleader Tony “David Duke” Perkins and the rest of the gay-haters last Sunday, leaving Kerry Healey scrambling yet again to disassociate herself from him:
I think people are beginning to see that we are very different people, said Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey yesterday when asked what she thought of Mitts appearance with this demented bunch. I think we all knew where he was moving.
Well, that’s pathetic. If “we all knew” where this dude was “moving,” he never would have been elected. And if Healey “knew,” she might have clued the rest of us in.
Anyway, if that weren’t bad enough (the four panelists at this morning’s MassINC forum on the Gov’s race, including Republican Ginny Buckingham, were unanimous that “Mitt’s all about Mitt, and he always has been”), now Mitt’s on CNN practically declaring Deval Patrick the winner of the MA Governor’s race. After Wolf Blitzer noted that there are at present 28 Republican Governors and 22 Dems, here’s how the exchange went:
BLITZER: So there will be a majority of Democratic governors as opposed to a majority of Republican governors?
ROMNEY: Oh, sure. I dont think there is anyone who has looked at the poll numbers that doesnt think that will happen. You have got states like New York and Arkansas that are blue states that have Republican governors.
BLITZER: And Massachusetts.
ROMNEY: And Massachusetts. With governors not running for reelection and so the math would say thats going to be pretty hard for us to hold onto all those states.
Incredible. His own hand-picked Lieutenant Governor, and he doesn’t even bat an eyelash as he throws her under the bus. Almost makes you feel sorry for her. Almost.
sunderlandroad says
to see Romney dismissing his loyal lieutenant (who happens to be female).
But, no excuses. Your comment says it all:
Quote: If “we all knew” where this dude was “moving,” he never would have been elected. And if Healey “knew,” she might have clued the rest of us in.
It is really pathetic.
john-driscoll says
and that’s out of the State House.
bluestatedude says
How do I watch or listen to the LG debate tonight? I have DirectTV (not comcast) and I don’t think I get NECN. Is it on the radio?
ryepower12 says
She ran an honest campaign. She didn’t. Therefore, she won’t be getting my pity. It’s just so sad that Mitt Romney has such disrespect for Massachusetts. Not only is he throwing Kerry Healey under the bus, he’s throwing the entire friggin Massachusetts Republican party. Contrary to popular belief, I’d actually like to see more Republicans in Massachusetts – there have been so many traditional Republicans in Massachusetts that just aren’t running for office anymore… Mitt could have spent all this time he’s done stumping across the country by stumping across the state and a) helped get Republicans elected (if he REALLY committed to it, unlike his last attempt to get Republicans elected, he could succeed) and b) may have actually earned respect of Massachusetts voters and had a shot at winning reelection (which would have made it much easier for him to become President).
danseidman says
There was a really interesting article and sidebar in the Phoenix about the state of the GOP here.
p> – Dan
mojoman says
and I don’t understand why he’s absolutely torpedoed her campaign. If Healy losing is somehow supposed to make Romney look more heroic? (or something) for winning one election in MA, that’s one Hail Mary of a strategy.
Healy needs to portray herself as a moderate (like Mitt did in ’02), while Mitt is using the Rove strategy of running to the Xtian “base”, except it’s not really his base, because he’s a Mormon. He just hasn’t figured that one out yet.
For all the talk about what a smart guy Romney was supposed to be, he campaigns like a cartoon character. He’s going to be president of something soon I’m sure, but I don’t think it’s going to be of this country. He should just pack up those empty headed kids of his (and their teeth), and point the wagons west back to Utah.
bob-neer says
mags says
Yeah, I almost feel bad for Sherry Muffy Healey – like I almost feel bad that Mitt won’t be around for 4 more years. She hitched her star to a loser and has deluded herself into thinking she wouldn’t be stained by the kook patrol’s wild-eyed positions.
kraank says
I peed my pants laughing when I read that article. Sorry Kerry. Really, I am. Who could say you deserved that? OH, I’m sorry, space does not permit me enough room to answer that question.