News Editor Richard K. Lodge at the Metro West Daily News published a compelling piece yesterday (see http://www.metrowest…) noting that the Green-Rainbow Party, in fielding twice as many candidates for state-wide office than Republicans are worth keeping an eye on. He notes Jill Stein’s comments that Rebpublicans are a “place holder” party, keeping the right flank held down in MA.
Because the Democratic party holds a veto proof majority in the General Court, who is there to hold them accountable? Certainly not a governor of any party. Certainly not the powerless Republican caucus. There have been a few posts recently here on BMG about a progressive Democratic caucus bringing together various interests to fight for common legislative agendas on health care, democratic reforms, and social justice concerns, and as some have pointed out, there are already some coalitions out there fulfilling this need. There is also a political entity fulfilling this need: The Green-Rainbow Party.
With GRP candidates continuing to run for office and keep the Democrats feet to the fire on clean elections, instant runoff voting, universal health care, fair taxation, fair districts, real education (say good-bye MCAS), equal marriage rights, environmental issues, clean and sustainable energy, and other progressive issues, the real challenge to Democratic power in MA will come not from the rather impotent Republican right, but from an engagement and dialogue with the informed and engaged Green-Rainbow left.
I do appreciate that the Green-Rainbow party keeps things on the table, but am perplexed about why the party is not spending more energy on building real candidates. I believe Jill Stein has the potential to be a serious candidate. Grace Ross needs more polish. But why is a 22-year-old running for Lt. Gov instead of for City Council or Selectman somewhere? Running more candidates in number than the Republicans doesn’t mean much when some of them aren’t real candidates. Where are G-R candidates running for the house? The G-R website doesn’t have an obvious list of candidates anywhere. I am a Dem, but I would certainly consider a vote for a G-R candidate at a local level to help them gain the political experience necessary to run a serious campaign for statewide office. The reality is, to run a statewide campaign you need either $$$$$$ or tremendous political savvy and support.
WIth the progressives within the Democratic party, it is a whole lot easier taking over the party through the primary process. When we splinter, it leaves the big party to the DINOs.