Yes, that’s right, the one that highlights Kerry’s rejection of the American system of justice.
Let’s not provide fair trials to anyone accused of heinous crimes. Indefinite detention without change is the Bush Regime’s favorite idea of justice, but this being Liberal Massachusetts, maybe we can’t go that far. So let’s just incarcerate suspicious-looking people and throw away the key. Oops — isn’t that the same thing?
For full details, go to;
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Kerry Muffy Healey is from Florida, but she moved to Massachusetts.
Mark Foley is from Florida, though he was born in Massachusetts.
Mark Foley and Kerry Muffy Healey supported George W. Bush in 2004.
Isn’t it time to focus on the real scandals in this race?
Who exactly is responsible for deciding who can be at the Boston Pre-Release Center? IS it the DOC/Governor’s Office?
Also, while the BPD Union may be unhappy, it appears that the ‘cop-killer’ was actually FREED by the judiciary. Hmmmm. Had he not reoffended on a different offense, he would be walking around free as air.
Phil Paleologas for Governor’s Council!
That’s the implication of Healey’s cop killer ad and the DA to whom she gave an all expense paid junket to Boston. Hogan, on display at a press conference, said:
An attorney chooses his clients, and an attorney chooses his cases. Mr. Patrick chooses to represent not victims but murderers on death row. Hogan then finished up by asserting “this is akin to you are what you eat.”
So I as a defense attorney can’t be a good citizen because I have worked on criminal appeals (including death penalty cases when I was in law school) and represent people and kids accused of crimes at the trial court level.
Does this prohibition extend to attorneys who do divorce work? If an attorney represents a philandering spouse or a deadbeat dad (or mom) does that make them bad citizens (remember: you are what you eat)?
I wonder how the Mass Bar Association feels about this? Someone should ask them.
Obviously from some moonbat manifesto. Do we really want a governor who subscribes to this?
p> – Dan
Sounds a lot like the 6th Amendment, but maybe it’s from the Mass. Constitution? In either case, it’s a radical proposition that obviously has no appeal to the Republicans.
Next thing you know, the moonbats will be demanding “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…” and we all know what a slippery slope that is!
…until that twit Jefferson changed it!
…I found the answer on my own – re: Jurisdiction.
As I suspected, the MCOFU was responsible for his being placed on a work detail at the State House. He worked less than one day, and was removed because such a furlough was inappropriate.
The MCOFU has endorsed Deval Patrick.
I wonder who called the Herald in the first place.