Last night Deval Patrick came to a rally in Downtown Haverhill.
The enthusiasm was something we haven’t seen in Haverhill for years–maybe decades. Even local Republicans were there wearing Deval Patrick swag.Haverhill has been depressed for many of the years since the shoe business left.Coinciding with the loss of shoe factories as a border city many if not most of our retail businesses moved over the border to New Hampshire.
It is a fairly conservative city. We beg for help from the state–roads unrepaired and our bridges are wrecks. We are stuck debt from a money losing city hospital that had to be sold to a private company for a song.
Haverhill has a brainy, Mayor James Fiorentini, who grew up in town and is seriously dedicated to bringing the city back. He gave an introductory speech that touched on plans and hopes for Haverhill’s renewal.
Deval Patrick then gave an inspiring speech.
“I ask those of you who were there in the early days to think about where we’ve come and how we’ve to come to where we’ve come, because this is not MY campaign it is OURS”
He listed the negatives about which we can talk all day long about:
*Massachusetts is 42nd job creation
*”60,000young people leaving the commonwealth mostly because of high price of housing mainly and because it is not as inclusive and friendly an environment as it ought to be”
*Nearly 700 fewer cops on the beat because of the policies of this administration.
*Companies that have folded up their tent or have decided to expand
*”We can talk about all the ways the the current governor is out of town and the Leutenant Governor is out of touch”
“We can talk about how in the absence of ideas about our future they have thrown every thing at me but the kitchen sink and I expect the kitchen sink anyday now.”
But — “We have got to be about MORE than what’s WRONG with the current administration. We have run a campaign about wha’t RIGHT with YOU.
“We have got to be about where our future ought to lie and how we can build to that”
He emphasized economic development which MUST expand but economic justice has got to expand right along side of economic development. “they go hand in glove”
He said it is simple things like permitting and approval efficiency and getting capital to people with good ideas. He emphasized innovative industries and his expectation alternative and renewable energy is the most promising field. He restated his support on balance for the Cape windfarm — but that that is not enough– Massachusetts should have the companies that make the turbines and the solar panels.
He mentioned that from his work at Texaco that he knows that oil companies — especially in Texas are looking for alternative energy.
“We have the brain power, venture capital, and the tradition of economic innovation for Massachusetts to be a global leader”
Democrats need to get comfortable about the private economy.
“The difference between us and the right is that we undertand that there is more than one bottom line. There is the profit bottom line but there is also the environment, human and community bottom lines and that they count. The role of government is to balance those different bottom lines. That is what we are going to be about: Economic expansion, economic opportunity, and economic justice right along side it. For people who say it can’t be that way I tell you It can’t not be that way. That is the best of who we are.”
That’s where I stopped taking notes—-
It was an inspiring talk in a city that has talent, tradition, and hard times.
Last night Deval Patrick came to a rally in Downtown Haverhill.
The enthusiasm was something we haven’t seen in Haverhill for years–maybe decades. Even local Republicans were there wearing Deval Patrick swag.Haverhill has been depressed for many of the years since the shoe business left.Coinciding with the loss of shoe factories as a border city many if not most of our retail businesses moved over the border to New Hampshire.
It is a fairly conservative city. We beg for help from the state–roads unrepaired and our bridges are wrecks. We are stuck debt from a money losing city hospital that had to be sold to a private company for a song.
Haverhill has a brainy, Mayor James Fiorentini, who grew up in town and is seriously dedicated to bringing the city back. He gave an introductory speech that touched on plans and hopes for Haverhill’s renewal.
Deval Patrick then gave an inspiring speech.
“I ask those of you who were there in the early days to think about where we’ve come and how we’ve to come to where we’ve come, because this is not MY campaign it is OURS”
He listed the negatives about which we can talk all day long about:
*Massachusetts is 42nd job creation
*”60,000young people leaving the commonwealth mostly because of high price of housing mainly and because it is not as inclusive and friendly an environment as it ought to be”
*Nearly 700 fewer cops on the beat because of the policies of this administration.
*Companies that have folded up their tent or have decided to expand
*”We can talk about all the ways the the current governor is out of town and the Leutenant Governor is out of touch”
“We can talk about how in the absence of ideas about our future they have thrown every thing at me but the kitchen sink and I expect the kitchen sink anyday now.”
But — “We have got to be about MORE than what’s WRONG with the current administration. We have run a campaign about wha’t RIGHT with YOU.
“We have got to be about where our future ought to lie and how we can build to that”
He emphasized economic development which MUST expand but economic justice has got to expand right along side of economic development. “they go hand in glove”
He said it is simple things like permitting and approval efficiency and getting capital to people with good ideas. He emphasized innovative industries and his expectation alternative and renewable energy is the most promising field. He restated his support on balance for the Cape windfarm — but that that is not enough– Massachusetts should have the companies that make the turbines and the solar panels.
He mentioned that from his work at Texaco that he knows that oil companies — especially in Texas are looking for alternative energy.
“We have the brain power, venture capital, and the tradition of economic innovation for Massachusetts to be a global leader”
Democrats need to get comfortable about the private economy.
“The difference between us and the right is that we undertand that there is more than one bottom line. There is the profit bottom line but there is also the environment, human and community bottom lines and that they count. The role of government is to balance those different bottom lines. That is what we are going to be about: Economic expansion, economic opportunity, and economic justice right along side it. For people who say it can’t be that way I tell you It can’t not be that way. That is the best of who we are.”
That’s where I stopped taking notes—-
It was an inspiring talk in a city that has talent, tradition, and hard times.