Kerry Healey admits that “Inmates for Deval” comprised of her campaign volunteers. When first asked about the group terrorizing a 12 year old in his own home Healey didn’t respond, instead one of her cronies said:
“The Healey campaign has hundreds of volunteers doing standouts all over Massachusetts every day, and they aren’t centrally coordinated out of our office”
After some soul searching finding out that her campaign is in the toilet, she discussed the incident but by doing so implicated her campaign. From WHDH-TV, Healey was quoted with the following:
“When I found out that they had gone to Deval Patrick’s home and the home of his campaign manager, I let it be known that that’s not what I want to have happen in the future and I do think it crossed the line.”
So it didn’t cross the line by creating the group in the first place?
Hey Kerry, since you are in such a remorseful mood, could she helps us out with some additional information. Like who are the idiots who brainstormed this idea in the first place. Also who approved the money and coordinated the effort in getting those professionally designed signs and jumpsuits? It wasn’t just a bunch of crazy kids hanging around with nothing to do.
Deval sums it up.
Patrick said the protest was “an indication of another gap in Kerry Healey’s readiness to lead.”
Update: Kim Atkins at the Herald report that Healey has not apologized to Patrick for her actions.
Today I asked Patricks campaign spokesman Richard Chacon if Healey had apologized to Patrick, Walsh or the campaign, and Chacon responded: No.
Have democrats/liberals suddenly sworn off street theater? When did that happen?
To stalk the private homes of candidates and their staff and scare 12-year-olds?
Street theatre at its best is clever and entertaining. These assholes are neither. If it’s anything, it’s a bad attempt at an old tradition of light-hearted satire in the streets.
Poor form, and classless. Street theatre certainly can mock, but this wasn’t mocking – this was disrespectful.
But leave it to Republicans to cross a very obvious line and fail to condemn the act…
It is no different than the many Deval supporters that go around to people’s homes in the middle of the night and steal Healey signs.
The original poster took issue with the group simply being created, that is what I do not understand. What is wrong with “inmates for Deval” such that the mere creation of the group crosses some line?
It is no different than the many Deval supporters that go around to people’s homes in the middle of the night and steal Healey signs.
If you’re going to make those kinds of charges, you should back them up.
And if you really don’t see the difference between someone allegedly yanking a yard sign and scaring the shit out of a 12 year old kid — then there’s not much point to this discussion.
With a Frisoli sign he snagged.
I don’t see a difference. The people that were outside Deval’s campaign manager’s house had the obvious intent of irking Deval’s campaign manager. I doubt they realized there was a 12 year old kid home alone.
When Deval supporters are creeping around in the middle of the night stealing signs I’m sure that freaks a few people out who have no idea who is sneaking around in front of their house and for what purpose. And I’m sure some of those houses have children in them too, or do you think Deval supporters check before they carry out their nightly visits?
If you’re eating all the shit that Hub Politics is putting out in the troughs, that’s your thing and it’s cool by me.
The question becomes, why are you wasting everyone’s time here? I for one am sick of refuting your ridiculous posts.
HubPolitics photoshopped the car, the Deval bumper sticker, and the Frisoli sign in the back.
Everyone knows that Deval supporters would never do anything of a questionable nature.
There is no difference. Well other than you are comparing a sign to terrorizing a child. Then there’s always the fact that no one has actually proved that it’s coordinated by the Patrick campaign or volunteers, done in the middle of the night or for that matter it was taken from a house. But other than that it EXACTLY THE SAME.
For putting words in my mouth. First off, they surely couldn’t have chosen to video one side of a mutually vicious situation, could they?
Second, if it’s true you have taken the actions of a few stupid people and made them representative of a campaign of thousands. I’d hope I didn’t have to spell the idiocy of that out to you, but apparently I do.
Third, our campaign has denounced these activities clearly. I’m sorry, I heard no such denunciation from the Healey camp…
I’m sure that the fact that at the Worcester/Liecester border on Rt. 9, I saw three Patrick/Murray signs and an Ed Augustus sign last Saturday. I’m sure that Sunday, all of the Patrick/Murray signs were knocked down or gone and replaced by, you guessed it…Healey/Hillman signs! I’m also sure, to be fair, that none of these signs belonged on public property, which I see Healey signs and Frisoli signs voilating all over Worcester.
I’m one more a$$hole comment from taking all of those down myself as they do not belong and they’re illegal, which I’m sure strikes a key with the Healey law and order types. I might even venture to guess that our friend with the pickup here might have done the same thing, and if that were the case I don’t blame him. I pass a few Frisoli signs stuck in a public fence on Main St. every day. There’s also more than one abandoned storefront stuffed with Healey signs between the window and the burglar bars. They’re illegal, but I didn’t really care enough to make them come down until now.
But screw it, I’m calling the city tomorrow and if they’re not down by the end of the week I’ll do it myself. I know this isn’t the high road, but I’m f’n sick of the Republicans and their “Poor me!” campaign running simultaneously with the nastiest campaign for Gov. I’ve ever seen. I won’t stoop quite to your level, but I’ll stoop. Cry about it.
Stealing political signs has been done by supporters of all candidates since there were political signs.
Care to tell me the last time political supporters went to the home of a campaign manager?
The latter is unprecedented harrassment of someone who is not even a candidate. Candidates expect infringement of their privacy and the Police Department here in Milton is prepared to protect Deval and his family. I suspect Mr. Walsh was not expecting such visits and like any parent was very concerned to find out that strangers were outside his home with a child alone in the house. This act had no political significance other than attempted intimidation.
Normally the purpose for demonstrating in front of a home is to garner media attention. Yet the two Healey supporters who went to Walsh’s home didn’t alert the media, and in fact were in such a hurry to leave they were gone by the time police even arrived.
The Healey campaign’s refusal to even address the issue for three days indicates they sre more aware of the impropriety the act than you are.
Allegations made. Links provided. Good for you.
I don’t read Hub Politics because I have way better things to do than read that poorly written trash. You might not agree with BMG, but you have to admit that compared to HP it’s freaking literature.
Don’t even get me started with the asshat commenters. Yeah, spelling and grammar does count, folks.
But I digress.
There is a certain amount of shenanagans that goes on in all political campaigns by both sides. I’m not saying that either side should be excused — it was obvious that things got intense at Faneuil Hall — by both sides.
Having said that, I will again state that stalking candidates/campaign workers at their homes is nothing more than intimidation and harassment and should not be tolerated.
Kerry Healey had an opportunity to stand up and take responsibility, and once again, she blew it. She can’t control her own campaign. What makes her think anyone would have confidence in her ability lead the commonwealth?
Let’s see — the thugs terrified a twelve-year old when — Friday??? And she waits until Monday to say “I think it crossed the line.”
Hello???? It took SEVENTY-TWO HOURS to take public responsibility for this reprehensible behavior???
It’s not like the story was buried somewhere in the legal advertising or the obituaries. She should have said within a day of the incident that she had fired the sorry ass of the creep who came up with the idea and had personally apologized to the affected families. Instead we get “tut, tut, naughty, naughty” — most likely because SOMEONE got it through to her that the image of a frightened pre-teen doesn’t skew with her vaunted criminology expertise.
Even if we give her the benefit of the doubt (not that she deserves it) and assume that the thugs were a bunch of overenthusiastic Young Republicans who came up with the bright idea over a beer bong, a real leader would have stepped up ASAP with public and private apologies, and said that the kids were O-U-T of her campaign.
Kerry, you’re so very … craven.
Kerry Healey wanted to do the right thing. But Kerry Healey didn’t know what the right thing was until the Suffolk poll numbers were announced yesterday morning on the radio.
p> – Dan
We all know the Reprobates will be rolling out the worst of the “campaign materials” – one of my favorite Ad Bloggers is looking at a couple if pieces received in the last week. The materials are national in scope, but the reprobates use the same play book everywhere.
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