“5 million more dollars” Shouts Tim O’Brien and the Healy campaign without raising their hands.
Her campaign said later that she based that number on research by her staff showing that more than 2,100 new officers have been put on the street since January 2003. Campaign manager Tim O’Brien , however, acknowledged that the figure only counts graduates from police academies and does not count retirements and resignations..
The correct answer is that Sean has 13 million LESS than before.
The correct answer is also that there are somewhere between 2250 and 2950 police officers that have retired, resigned, been laid off, or died in the past four years. Thus there are FEWER police on the streets, not MORE.
And Healey says that Deval ought to get his numbers right. Ummm yeah.
Numbers from the Globe
If Sean buys his wife the election, then he gets away with illicit tax breaks and winds up much richer.
If someone who is actually tough on crime wins, the tax fraud gets prosecuted and Sean winds up much poorer.
But I will give Kerry credit for consistency on one thing: she has assailed Deval for being influenced by the teachers. Kerry’s ignorance of math, history and every other subject that has come up shows that she has never been in any way influenced by a teacher.
p> – Dan