Really, it continues to blow me away. On Thursday night, Kerry Healey was lobbed a huge softball by NECN’s Alison King when King noted that “Governor Romney has often made Massachusetts the butt of jokes,” and asked whether Healey would “take this opportunity to publicly criticize Governor Romney for the potential harm he’s done to the state and would you call on the governor to cease and desist.” Romney, of course, is a significant drag on Healey’s candidacy — he’s not popular in MA, and his increasingly shrill right-wing rhetoric continues to embarrass Healey, who tries to distance herself from it every chance she gets. It was a great opportunity for Healey to put more distance between herself and Romney as well as to talk up how much she loves the state she wants to govern.
So King asked the question, and Healey launched into a non-responsive blah blah about how much she supposedly loves MA without mentioning Romney, and then this happened:
Unbefrickinlievable. What is Healey so afraid of?
Looking back and forth, desperately wanted to clap and join in but barely settling for a smirk. It;s tough to stay above the fray when one of its participants is so wicked.
One thing I love about Mihos, is his love for Massachusetts. Ive never doubted, and I think its what drives him for than anything, and I respect it alot, and it definitely helps Patrick out, by contrasting his love for the state, vs. Muffy’s version of love for the state. đŸ™‚
She’s failing this big test of her ability to move to a leadership role: she can’t bring herself to smack down His Expediency directly. In her mind, I think, Willard is still her boss and she is still adjusting his jacket and flicking a spot of dust from his shoulder before he steps before the cameras.
Or in other words, a modern day Republican.
Toe-the-line hierarchy. That’s what they consist of. And they can’t even break that when it’s obvious they should.
Read John Dean’s book, Conservatives without Conscience!
the micro mindset( if you have family- extended family or friends and neighbors who show this tendency and know their backstory) it explains so much about why anyone would support a party that projects this image.
I urge everyone to read it
Towards the end of NECN’s debate post-mortem, Jim Braude interviewed Mike Barnicle who had an interesting observation. He said that after the debate, he spoke with the guy on the floor who had the job of holding the cards letting the candidates know how many seconds they had left. The guy told Barnicle that Healey was the only one of the four who stopped talking ON CUE. Barnicle commented (this is a paraphrase — forgive me if I’m inaccurate) that her response to the cue cards symbolized how she dealt with authority figures, and Romney in particular — you may start speaking when the question is asked, and you will shut up when you are told.
Great minds think alike…my comment shoulda been in response to yours!
In other words, she likes her men dominant and in control.
He’ll say anything, as has been established.
Has more to do with Kennedy than Romney.
If you could point me to the news coverage of Senator Kennedy mocking and insulting Massachusetts while visiting majority-Republican states — which exists, of course, because you surely wouldn’t come on here just to make a baseless, inflammatory, off-topic troll post, would you? — I and, I’m sure, the rest of the BMG readers would be really interested to see it.
Try reading what I wrote again.
The issue is not whether Massachusetts has been the subject of ridicule by others around the country. The issue is that the Governor of Massachusetts, an individual who swore an oath which inherently demands that he promote and protect the state’s interests, repudiates and mocks the people of the Commonwealth in order to boost his own political advantage.
Pay attention!
Our one party state? Our senior senator? The liberal agenda?
That job is to promote the Commonwealth, the people whose hard-earned taxes pay his salary. If he can’t do that, he should resign.
Guess you loath the people of Massachusetts as much as Romney does. Lovely.
Is getting really old.
That’s the best you can do? Faux dismissive disdain?
Obviously you have nothing substantive to offer on the subject. Oy.
Please be specific.
It’s not what he’s supposed to say to “defend” MA, it’s the fact that he is still our governor, and he’s jetting around the US actually knocking us.
You sure post like someone who was raised in educated in another state.
I type too fast!
Looks like a carpetbagger, walks like a carpetbagger….Well, you can fill in the rest.
I was born in Great Barrington, at Fairview. Spent my growing up years between there and Cambridge. I was stuck in CT for a few years, all of which I spent longing to be back in MA. Now I’m here again, and so proud of what my state has accomplished (ie. same sex marriage) while I was gone. Currently, I’m living in and loving Worcester and trying to make things better here. If you’d like to fault me on that record, feel free. But I love this state and the city I live in. I intend to go nowhere.
Let’s say you’re a sales rep for Muffy’s Shellacker Hair Lacquer. You lobbied heavily to get your job, put on quite the dog-and-pony show. You really wanted it. You promised the moon to Muffy’s if only they’d give you a chance to do the job. Eureka! You’re hired.
Your job is to go out and get the Shellacker Hair Lacquer into various low-end discount department stores. Instead, though, of actually going out and doing the job you’re paid to do, you go out and mock your company in public and make fun of Muffy’s Shellacker Hair Lacquer to the extent that Muffy’s starts to suffer economically. Indeed, your on-the-road shtick results in your company losing substantial sales and money.
Answer the following:
a.) Do you think your company would be justified in being angry at you?
b.) Do you think your company would be justified in firing you?
c.) Do you think your company would be justified in viewing your behavior as unethical given that you accepted a paycheck for a job you didn’t do?
Ah, yes….whatever. You make me sad.
Personally I don’t think it’s appropriate anymore than Bush making jokes about the US at a G8 summit would be appropriate.
Mitt is all about Mitt, and it must be very frustrating being a Republican governor of MA (which would lead one to ask why he wanted the job in the first place clearly knowing the uphill battle beforehand).
A lot of Republicans complain that if a Democrat governor were to be in office it would be more or less a blank check for Democrats to do whatever they want. I truly hope Deval has more sense than that, but one thing is for sure: at least something would be getting done rather than nothing like it is now.
As I recall, Mitt Romney chose not to take the Governor’s Salary. Just goes to show, you get what you pay for….NOTHING!
His entire term of office being the biggest and emptiest.
What did I say that warrants deletion?
The person gave me a zero, not you. I didn’t say you were a troll.
I simply would like to know why bluestatedude gave me a zero. I’m not even talking to you. Capisce?
Slow down, buddy, and read.
You may not be a troll, but you’re disappearing before our very eyes…