Kerry Healey – NOT a leader on renewable energy.
At the Springfield debate Kerry Healey layed out her renewable energy policy:
1) Try to import it from Canada. Wow that’s inspiring leadership – let them get the jobs, cleaner air and energy independence and we’ll take some of their electrons and try to feel better about ourselves.
2) Pursue deepwater offshore wind projects. She avoided noting that she opposes Cape Wind, maybe because the statewide polls show 70-80% support? She also avoids acknowledging deepwater is at least 15 years away.
3) Pat the town of Hull on the back saying they are doing a great job (which they are, but not because of anything she or Mitt are doing).
Are you feeling inspired yet?
At lease she didn’t blatently lie about it the way Christy did – there is no moratorium on Cape Wind.
by her comments on Renewable energy… either she does not get it or she is somehow beholden to big oil or other source…
HMM I wonder how much the Natural Gas people have given her campaign? (Have you seen their full page ads in the globe?)
That’s possible. As far as her and Mitt’s opposition to Cape Wind, there is a prevailing theory down here on the Cape…
The family of Richard Egan (EMC Founder, former GWBush ambassador to Ireland and a billionaire) are a leading family in Massachusetts in getting the big bucks to Republican candidates. They “got” to Mitt early when he first came back to MA to agree to run for Governor. The Egans own several oceanfront mansions overlooking Nantucket Sound (Christy Mihos lives in one too for that matter). The Egans (and Christy) are leading Board Members and financiers of the group that was created to fight the wind farm, the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, lately they also go with the shorter name, Save Our Sound.
Chris Egan (Richard’s son) heads up Kerry Healey’s Finance committee in this campaign.
She knows on which end her bread is buttered…
Thanks for the insight…
“Follow the money…” never truer words ever spoken
A. The wind off the cape is some of the best in the US
B. If you are really worried about birds, then you better start passing laws that control cats. Cats kill far more birds than wind turbines ever will.
C. If you are concerned about how it looks, 1. Go watch the turbine in Hull. It’s magnificient. 2. The one at the IBEW on 93 is pretty cool too (though smaller) 3. Imagine the planet 20 years from now because of CO2. Which is uglier. A series of wind turbines off the coast and at the limit of sight or water up to your second floor? (Ok, it might take more than 20 years) 4. Think of your children and your children’s children…
The audobon society endorsed the project, saying Cape Wind would be perfectly safe for birds.