If you haven’t already seen the side show act that is now Kerry Healy’s campaign, head on over to Boston.com for the story.
Apparently Healy has relized how horrible her chances are of winning this election. She has taken to the idea that she must win at any cost, even if that means humiliating herself and her entire campaign. Up until this point, at least Healy had her dignity, but now that seems to have exited off the stage as well. I’m guessing it’s gone to the same place her personality ran away to.
Here’s a short quote about what her logic is here:
The red portable billboard has rolling numbers that track Democrat Deval Patrick’s “limitless spending proposals,” according to a press release from the campaign. The prop matches the money-green Tax-o-meter, a Healey gimmick introduced in September to show what the campaign says taxpayers have paid because the Legislature has not rolled back the income tax, as demanded by voters who approved a 2000 ballot question.
Lame-O-Meter: The number of voters expressing distain for the Spend-O-Meter.
Lose-R-Meter: The number of points behind Deval in the polls.
Leave-O-Meter: The number of days before Kerry Muffy Healey returns to private life in Beverly.
It won’t be long before we get:
Christ-E-Meter: The number of points behind Mihos in the polls.
Oh, wait. I thought the Spend-O-Meter was the personal fortune Kerry Muffy Healey was wasting on a campaign that is convincing voters how much they don’t like her.
The five steps Kerry Healey takes when she accuses Deval Patrick of wanting to spend a certain amount of money but not knowing how much her own proposals would cost.
From the <a href:http://www.boston.co…) Boston Globe:
Healey said she did not know “off the top of my head” how much in new spending her own proposals would require.
Alternatively: The ironic rollback of taxes to five percent that Kerry Healey wants that will necessitate the dramatic escalation of local taxes.
The whole set up reminded me of a cheesy game show. She even had a “Spend-O-Meter” placard on the podium. What’s behind the box where Carol Merrill is standing?