In her new add Kerry Healy say’s whom ever becomes the next governor will make history. Like much of her campaign this statement is not true. Deval Patrick certainly will but the image of a white woman denouncing the actions of a person of color and repeating the word Cop Killer and Rapist are not. PBS recently rebroadcast the award winning (and very difficult to watch) documentary Eyes on the Prize, where the under belly of American society was brought into prime time by the courageous actions of an oppressed people saying no to just this kind of falsehood. If there is a metaphor that is beyond the gutter and into the cesspool then it is still not enough to describe Healys behavior. The saddest thing to me is that her campaign tactics can affect voters in our twenty second attention span society. History will be made when Deval wins but more than the color of his skin will be the content of the voters of the Commonwealth who see who he is and not who Kerry Healy wants you to believe.
Im a white woman; he’s a scary black man.
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