I challenge Deval Patrick to a one-on-one, prime time debate so that we can have a broad policy discussion focused on the key issues. Grace Ross, Christy Mihos, and Kerry Healey s participation in these televised debates has and will afford them ample opportunity to make their respective cases to the voters. Unfortunately, with four candidates on stage and limited time, a wide-ranging policy discussion has been largely crowded out. I think it’s pretty clear that either Deval Patrick or I am going to be the next governor of this state, and when people go to the polls, they deserve to know where we stand.
Mr. Patrick has never struck me as someone who backed down from a challenge, so Id be surprised if he chose to stand on the sidelines now. I look forward to hearing from him soon.
Josh Weiss
And I’m always looking for interesting exercises in logic for my computer science classes. Given the premises “If either x or y will be the next governor, then x and y should debate”, and “DP will be the next governor”, and an arbitrary person named Josh, prove that “DP and Josh should debate”.
at her “either he or I will be the next governor” line because I was thinking, yeah, you desperately hope you have more than a chance in hell after your terrible campaign and severe lack of leadership skills.
Actually I think it is pretty clear that Deval Patrick will be the next governor. So let’s just give him the hour all to himself?
…and now you want to trap him in a room for an hour with nothing else except tv cameras and Jon Keller? That’s cold…
Good attempt at a trapping frame, but sorry, just another trick from a bag of tricks candidate.
Grace Ross and Christy Mihos showed up to every candidates forum they were invited to and have worked their butts off. They sparred with Gabs, Reilly, and Deval all summer. Kerry was too good for that.
Since the primary, Healy has done nothing but run negative, play dirty, and reach for any gimmick she can. And we all know why. She has no record she can run on, and no experience to speak of.
Now she wants the privilege of a one on one debate with the leader. Hey, Guess what? Grace Ross would love a one on one debate with Patrick too. She would LOVE the opportunity to show that the Green Party is more progressive than the Democrats, and that she has bolder positions than Deval. She would lunge at the opportunity. But you don’t hear her whining about it, do you?
Kerry Healy has done nothing, as in “no thing” that puts her in a position to deserve such a debate.
Let’s review:
* outed Deval’s Brother in Law
* sent campaign volunteers to Deval and Walsh’s house
* aired racist ads
* lied in the last debate
Yeah, I’d say that she pretty much does not deserve a debate.
You are right, however. Deval has never backed away from a challenge. Kerry Healy is no challenge. So, true to form, he’s still not backing away from a challenge.
that I like the inclusiveness and diversity of voices in having four candidates in the debate. Love Christy, love Grace.
But come on … Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Mitt, I fear no Healey. In a one-on-one debate, Deval would eat her lunch.
Sideshow, anyone?