Dave Wedge, the Herald reporter that is costing Pat Purcell millions because a jury said he lied about a judge in a story thinks it is relevant that Deval has a brother-in-law who is not obeying the law.
I say we start a fund, hire private investigators to go out and dish up stuff on herald reporters, editors, publishers, and their families and post the info on a web site. What do ya say gang? Let’s see how funny it is when we post the inside track gals dirty laundry or Howie Carr’s misadventures. (if there are any. I really don’t know of any)
It really is a shame that this phony baloney crime issue is driving Kerry’s rise. Or is it?
But then again, what else can she attack Deval on? He never says anything of substance so there is nothing to challenge.
That morning guy on WRKO (I refuse to say his name) bothers me like no other on the radio. As far as just the voice – Michelle McPhee – Poor thing.
I want there to be a groundswell of independent voters who take Republican ballots in the 2008 presidential primaries so they can vote against Mitt Romney. We need to show the rest of the country what an a-hole this guy is. It would be soo cool if he got creamed here in the primary. I may change to an independent just so I can do that.
Although they are 1-3, the Bruins have shown some positive signs. But if they don’t put together a few good winning streaks within the next eight weeks, I’ll have no use for them. I swear, if they are the same ole Bruins….. Don’t get me started.
I’m tired of these Southie guys writing books and playing the part.. Kevin Weeks wants us to believe that he never killed anyone, yet he was very very close to Whitey. And the first time he was asked to kill someone was for a very very high profile hit,. Howie Carr. Hmmmmm.
On top of that, rather then put a gun to the back of the head when he wasn’t lookin’ or strangle him, or just plain ole beat him to death, they suggested he build a bomb out of a basketball. Kevin Oppenheimer Weeks.
Then of course Weeks wants us to believe that John Connelly went to him and told him to tell Whitey he was about to be indicted. Hmmmmmm
He didn’t say have whitey call me fast. Nor was there a pre-arranged code word which was the signal. Rather, this conspiracy, that was successful for so long because very few knew of the details, ended when FBI agent/criminal Connelly goes to the liquer store/headquarters and says to Kevin, “Tell Whitey, hes about to be indicted. Hey, ya gut any cold cases of Heinekin back there?
Then we have the darling John McDonald. His book is so accurate that he had to change a name or two for fear of being sued. That’s right, fictitious names for real people. Yet it is sold as non-fiction.
A gangster named Red Shea’s book is the only good one. A stand-up criminal.
I pray John Connelly is guilty – he probably is -because I could not imagine living with that hate everyday. And if he is, I hope he levels with his kids, because that hate is usually transferred to them squared.
There just aren’t any characters anymore in politics. Our politicians are plain ole boring. One thing about Deval, Kerry, Gabs, Reilly..
I can’t relate to any of them. We never get to see a personality.
(sorry no time to think of poll)
And the Killer Coke guy.
And John Keller, too. For no other reason than it would be funny. And he is kind of shifty looking….
They are professionalal. Herald reporters, for thew most part, are not journalists. They are entertainers. So let’s make them entertain us some more. Only we won’t be laughing with them.
get Dog Chapman?