David’s getting back into town late tonight, so NECN reached into the bottom of the blogger barrel and fished out yours truly to take his spot. I’ll be on NewsNight with Jim Braude, which starts @ 7pm.
Got any good talking points, narratives, frames, memes or tropes you want me to foist on an unsuspecting public?
Please share widely!
“Deval Patrick has the support of law enforcement across the state.”
Good luck, and have fun.
If they ask you some question about, “Oh, isn’t it important to have two voices in state government, Republican and Democrat?” I’d ask Kerry Healey which in 2006 she would give up to the Democrats — the U.S. House or U.S. Senate, for the sake of balance and all that.
but Congress vs President… Supreme Court is already teetering…
And I would say that in the past, the Senate can be a check on the House and vice-versa…
Just why can’t we get a LG debate???
Can we get the chicken icon back on the blog for Hillman?
I was making calls for Patrick/Murray yesterday, and did reach a few live folks who would still answer the phone during a Patriots game.
A couple of the truly undecideds really wanted to know when the next debate was going to be, and complained that they hadn’t heard about the others until too late. (apparently not readers here…)
I really appreciated that they were trying to learn. They deserve the opportunity to see Murray and Hillman.
That seems to be the Republican playbook. On the national stage – the spectre of 9/11 and terrorists everywhere was used to curtail not only the rights of suspects, but all of our rights. Not only by bad legislation (Patriot Act) but by trying to intimidate people against speaking their conscience (i.e. if you dare question the war in Iraq, that is, actually USE some of those freedoms here we’re supposedly fighting for over there, you’re giving comfort to terrorists, blah blah blah).
And now Lt. Gov. Healey is using the SAME strategy. If you dare try to ensure that someone’s rights are being protected, then you’re “for” rapists and “soft on crime.”
Well, we see what the fear of speaking out against the war in Iraq got us. And intimidating people from defending suspects’ Constitutional rights will do for our criminal justice system what Iraq has done for our military and foreign policy. Americans fought and died for those rights, and it’s sad indeed that they now have to be defended against smear and fear-mongering. Oh, and about that whole public safety issue – if you convict the wrong guy for a crime, that means the ACTUAL CRIMINAL IS STILL AT LARGE.
My race against Rep. Stephen Lynch, besides the gubernatorial contest, is the only race above the radar that is close. Our recent internal polling shows the race is within the MOE with 20% still undecided.
p>So I want to know whether Lynch will agree to even one of two debates we have suggested to the League of Women Voters.
p>Rumor has it that Lynch is planning a trip to Iraq later this month and will use that – since Congress has adjourned – as his excuse to duck a debate.
p>If Sen. Kennedy can debate his challenger, whom all agree has little, if any, chance; how does Lynch – the least popular member of the MA congressional delegation – get away without debating?
Everything I read shows your chances more resemble that of a snowball attempting to cross the River Styx. Within MOE??!!?? Show us the data.
… if he just asked one guy, the MoE would approach 100%, wouldn’t it?
The “poll” must have included 5 respondents. It’s been a while since I did the stats analysis, but let’s look at this hypotheitcal situation….
JER asks 10 randomly selected likely voters who they are going to vote for. Results: 8-Lynch, 0-Robinson, 2-undecided. Can we assume that this poll has a margin of error of 80% more or less? If so, we have a race within the MOE and 20% still undecided.
The only MOE in question is you. A carpetbagging MOEron!
…Healey has no vision to run the state. All she has is negative attacks against Deval and the Democrats–she’s fear mongering.
And I might add, this is back firing on her. She has not offered any positive reasons to vote for her, only against the the other guy. Is it any wonder her negatives are so much higher than Devals?
(See the sky isn’t always falling in my world.)
Strange. The negative Healey ads can reduce some of Deval’s numbers, but won’t do anything to raise Muffy above 30%.
It must hard on poor Muffy to know that more than half of Ma voters think she is an empty skirt. She has now bean to sing the song of the truly desperate candidate.
Deval and the state party should go after with both barrels.
I started writing a comment, but it grew to deserve its own post.
Here are the results of our internal polling, but be cautioned that internal polls are inherently less scientific and, therefore, less reliable:
p>N = 200Lynch = 44%Robinson = 36%Undecided = 20%MOE = 9.28%Level of confidence = 90%
p>Because the MOE & confidence numbers are not as good as one would expect in a professional poll of 500 likely voters, we are not publicizing these results (except here on BMG).
p>Moreover, we have not seen any polls on this race in the public domain, so we would be very interested in understanding to what polls others are referring.
p>But the crux of the matter is, regardless of the numbers, clearly we all can agree that Lynch-Robinson is much closer than Kennedy-Chase, yet the Senator is debating and the Representative isn’t!
I appreciate your forthrightness in providing the data. Indeed a sample of 200 is too small to make more than suggestive interpretation, and an independent poll of more than 500 likely voters would be more telling. I have seen no polls in this race–all I have read referred to common wisdom based on the strength of Lynch’s incumbancy and the negative perceptions you have accumulated over the years. It would be hypocritical of me to chastise Reed Hillman for not debating while not doing so to to Congressman Lynch; let the debates begin!
You looked good and sounded good buddy…Way to be honest, talk straight, and defend Deval while conceding when necessary on the LeGuer issue.
Liked your style pal. But I don’t care for that guy, Braude. Think he is pompous. You handled it much cooler than I would, What? Was that some kind of involuntary motion with your head? Got a point? (Obviously, the gesture is known as an expression of mild disagreement). And then waste some of your time as he steers the topic to national issues… But you made sound points in your area of immediate concern, the Massachusetts race for Governor.