Republican Jack E. Robinson, who is challenging Steve Lynch (I’d link to his campaign site, but it’s “down for re-construction” — nice timing!) in the 9th Congressional District, is set to start running what he says is the first TV ad for a MA congressional Republican candidate in five years. Here it is:
Actually kinda funny. Any word yet on whether Lynch will debate Robinson?
Please share widely!
Yes, it is funny. And the way Robinson is animated at the end shows a definite touch.
I think the charges about Lynch’s donors are strong enough that Robinson should show his sources on his web site. And Lynch, in turn, should show — I don’t know, something — on his web site. At least a link to his House page, which seems to be his surrogate campaign site. Having a web site with overdue “re-construction” isn’t going to distance him from Big Dig problems.
p> – Dan
that was hilarious. How does such a horrible candidate actually produce a half-decent commercial? If you’re going to go negative, that’s one way to do it: be cute at the same time. haha.
If we were in another state, Lynch would be in deep trouble. Given the choice between a wanna-be Republican and a real Republican, voters choose the real one every time.