… they land a couple of body blows on the Healey campaign.
On Sunday, columnist Peter Gelzinis — who in the past hasn’t seemed to be particularly fond of Deval Patrick — penned this beauty, entitled “Deval fights slime with dignity.” Here are some excerpts:
Long before Kerry Healey copped his idea, it was Shakespeare who suggested that we kill all the lawyers. But perhaps thats only because criminologists hadnt been invented yet.
With just the right touch of sarcasm, Patrick raised both hands and admitted that, unlike Kerry Healey, “I am not a criminologist.”
The line triggered an outburst of laughter and applause from a posse of sheriffs and state police chiefs who stood behind him. Like the candidate they had just endorsed, it was clear these cops and prosecutors were a little fuzzy on the subject of what the hell a criminologist actually does.
Yesterday, the seething outrage in Patricks voice helped to staunch the flow of blood. He pointedly scoffed at the notion of apologizing for linking the latest groin shot – the shopped-around rape story about his sister and brother-in-law – to Healey operatives.
There seemed to be decidedly more of the South Side of Chicago Deval than either the Milton Academy or Harvard Deval yesterday. He made it clear he would no longer be lying down in the face of the Healey jihad.
The “Healey jihad.” Awesomer.
When the story of this ugly campaign is written, it may well be that the decision to slime Patricks relatives proved more damaging to the criminologist than the lawyer….
“President John Adams, author of the Constitution that Kerry Healey has sworn to uphold as lieutenant governor, defended the accused killers in the Boston Massacre trial. Do you think Adams would have been qualified to be our governor?” [wrote Mass. Lawyers Weekly in its endorsement of Patrick]
Its lucky for the country that Adams was only a smart lawyer. Imagine if hed been an angry and arrogant criminologist.
Also in Sunday’s Herald, reporter Michele McPhee informs us that not all victims of violent crime support Kerry Healey. Some, in fact, think she’s a total hypocrite.
Slaying victims widow: ‘Healey is a hypocrite’: Rips killers cushy state job
The wife of a murder victim gunned down in a Chelsea barroom nearly two decades ago said gubernatorial candidate Kerry Healey “should be ashamed” that the man convicted of her husbands slaying is now emptying trash at the State House – one of six killers in a cushy prerelease center.
“I spent the last 20 years busting my ass to raise my three kids after my husband was murdered for absolutely no reason and his killer is working for the state? What does that say for the rights of victims families?” Elizabeth Doucette-Castor asked the Herald on Friday.
“It makes you sick knowing that this killer is walking the streets. I hate to say it, but Kerry Healey is a hypocrite and should be ashamed.” …
Brown [the killer of Doucette-Castor’s husband] is now one of six convicted killers the Romney/Healey administration assigned to a Department of Correction work detail from the Boston prerelease center in Rosindale. Brown, convicted cop killer Terrill Walker, who shot BPD detective John Schroeder dead during a Roxbury pawn shop robbery, and four other cons spend their days working at the State House or in the citys Emerald Necklace parks.
Healey, of course, is once again furiously backpedaling from the Romney/Healey policies of the last four years, saying that she thinks she might “re-evaluate” the practice of assigning cop-killers to State House duty. Good timing, Kerry. But where’ve you been, for God’s sake?
And finally, we have this gem from Howie Carr. Recently, you’ll recall, Carr donned a hair shirt and flagellated himself for trashing Kerry “Muffy” Healey for the last four years, fearing that by doing so he might perhaps have made it less likely that people might vote for her. A real rocket scientist, this guy, huh? Anyway, now’s he’s down on his knees begging his alleged pal Christy Mihos to quit the Governor’s race. Even though Carr himself has given Mihos countless hours of airtime, and is probably in large part responsible for Mihos being in the race in the first place.
Christy, my callers are starting to blame me for your campaign, saying I created you. Thats not true, but even if you wont heed my plea, I want to get this column on the record before the recriminations begin.
Mihos, of course, is not going anywhere. He’s already dropped a lot of money into this race, and he’s going to see it through. Moreover, Mihos is smart enough to recognize that Carr’s “Free ’em all Deval” line is total bullshit.
So for you, Howie, and your misery over trashing Kerry Healey and enabling Christy Mihos, thereby arguably making it easier for Deval Patrick to win a race he would have won anyway, I have but one word:
(Hmmm. Is that a word?)
All I can say of when I read Howie’s latest column is it sent me into schadenfruedic bliss. It’s funny that he both criticized Mihos for only being in the race to make sure Kerry Healey lost, then implored him to leave the race because staying in it would make Kerry Healey lose. Am I the only one who thought Howie Carr’s agony didn’t even make sense?
I think Howie’s readers suffer from short-term memory deficiencies.
Or cognitive dissonance.
Is Peter Gelzinis’ column in the Herald the first media confirmation that the story about Patrick’s brother-in-law was shopped around?
He is at the Herald, after all, and in a better position to confirm that fact than most people. (It’s obvious that that it was shopped around and the Patrick campaign should respond directly against Healey based on that obviousness, I’m just wondering if I missed any other confirmations of that fact.)
The first Globe article about the whole thing said that the Globe received an anonymous letter about the case and decided it wasn’t newsworthy. Even if the Herald had disclosed how they learned about it, they would not have known it was offered to other media.
p> – Dan
….the ‘cop killer’ was at the State House, after the JAIL sent him over, for less than one day and was immediately removed as an inappropriate candidate for fulough.
is the wibewal media being all mean to Kewwy Heawey?
Honestly, Peter. This is the Herald, for God’s sake.
After all, you didn’t see the Deval supporters upset at all when the Herald wrote:
Lighten up. It’s the Herald for God’s sake.
(stage direction: to be read with liberal sarcasm)
We all expect the Herald to do what it can to trash Deval Patrick and boost Kerry Healey.
Is that this not exactly a newsworthy story by the standards of anyone besides the Herald, and there is very good reason to question the Herald’s motives for running the story.
Wow, you really nailed me on that one Peter. Guess I’ll fold up BMG and switch my vote to Kerry Healey — you’re certainly more than a match for me.
Or not.
we have a sense of humor here at the front desk which we think belongs to you … please come to claim it …
the whole cop-killer-at-the-state-house thing is a great big yawner. What the f— ever. Can we move on to talking about real important issues like Kerry Healey’s nose job and Grace Ross’s blazers?
Really, finding some stupid little red herring to distract people is a Republican strategy, not worthy of Patrick. Why the heck are we wasting our time on that?
I wonder if it will keep up.
I’ve been enjoying reading the Herald far more than the Globe. The Herald seems to have realized right off the bat that the LGuer thing was a non-issue, for example, while the Globe kept harking on it long after anyone stopped caring. The columnists have maybe been evenly divided, but if anything I think they’ve been leaning toward Deval.
Both “sides” it would seem, are eating their own. Lovely.
you know how it is. Whatever sells newspapers.
There’s nothing wrong with making basic jobs available to people who have gotten out of prison, whatever crimes they committed. The harder we make it for ex-convicts to get basic jobs, the more of them we’ll push back into crime.
The victim’s legitimate gripe here seems to be with the parole board, who let this guy out of prison without notifying her. I don’t know the details of the case, or their side of it, but that’s a separate issue. I don’t see what Kerry Healey had to do with letting this guy out of prison.