For more background see the Left in Lowell posting linked below…
Extra credit research links here:
office of campaign and political finance
Maybe the AG’s office can get to the bottom of this after the election.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
Or Reilly contributors at the AG’s office?
Or how Shannon O’Brien used HER aides to baby-sit like Jane Swift did?
BTW – ‘sources’ tell me you are a Dem holdover appointee somewhere, sharpening the knife after all these years – whadda ya got in the system, 30 years?
Weld, Cellucci, Swift Romney and Healey were going to be above all that!!!
HA what goes around comes around.
Just remember one thing:
“Live by the sword die by the sword!!!”
Come on. Get real. How many Democratic holdovers are left over from the last Democratic governor, Michael S. Dukakis?
When did Dukakis leave office, January 1 1991?
…a 30 year old then is 46 now. And you can’t retire until you are 55.
Change is bureaucracy is VERY slow, my friend.
if no lawyer was willing to be her defense attorney?
p> – Dan