Well, if you want civility and raillery about MA politics, stick around. If it’s white-hot fury and conversational roller-derby, head on over to Daily Kos, where someone named Beachmom has put up a diary commenting on our talk with John Kerry yesterday, especially regarding his campaign warchest. Currently it’s one of the most recommended diaries. Check it out.
Thanks to Susan for the heads-up.
Please share widely!
sharoney says
Sometimes I enjoy a good barbecue.
mem-from-somerville says
Although I didn’t bother to read that diary because I had seen the info here first !
bob-neer says
You’re just not (0 / 0)
going to be satisfied until I lick John Kerry’s ass. And yours.
Well, you’re never going to be satisfied then.
You can take your petty grudge against me and enjoy yourself, because I’m done with your bullshit.
Have a super nice day.
by Kimberly Stone on Wed Oct 25, 2006 at 04:02:44 PM PDT
[ Parent ]
sharoney says
it’s an acquired taste.
andrew-s says
The Kos article now sports an update reflecting the latest news; I’ve posted details here on Blue Mass. Group, which has a link to the AP article with even more details.
revdeb says
quite the whirlwind, eh?
Good for both Kerry and Kennedy. Helping the cause helps everyone in the end.