According to CBS4, Mitt Romney said Friday that Deval Patrick’s lead has been cut to single digits:
I think shes going to pull it off. She was 39 points behind only a few weeks ago, and now I think its in single digits. And who knows? When people get in the voting booth, I think theyre going to say You know what? I want a governor who will protect my personal security.
Where did Romney get this information? The latest polls I’ve seen show Patrick with a 13-20 point lead. Is Romney privy to some internal pollling or is he spewing out his usual baloney?
Please share widely!
Mitt Romney — sorry, “Pretty Mitt” — is no better at math than Muffy is.
on the Keller interview. Could Keller have gone any easier on Mitt? In the portion I saw, he didn’t ask a single tough question or challenge Mitt’s inaccuracies one time. That includes the single digit lead statement. I turned it off halfway through because Keller was so fawning.
is becoming less and less impartial. I have been rather annoyed with him for quite some time, but as someone here stated, “make no mistakes about it he is a Republican”. The problem is not his part affiliation (okay may it is) but in any case he is an analyst and in my opinion he is doing a piss poor job. Perhaps, he is letting is hopes and fears get the better of him.
How goes the campaign?
Single digit lead, says Mitt
Bearing false witness
The Healey campaign supposedly has an internal “poll” that puts the race in single digits. If it were credible, she would have formally released it.
Who are you going to vote for:
Deval Patrick, that awful Negro who defends rapists and cop killers
Kerry Muffy Healey, Mitt Romney’s lieutenant governor
and Patrick still has a single-digit lead. Muffy’s in deep trouble.
Those “internal polls” are push polls. I am perfectly willing to believe that when they ask people whether they will vote for Kerry Healey or the guy who will let all the rapists free, almost half the voters prefer Healey. If Mitt is involved, it probably includes calls to NH and IA.
p> – Dan
When they say single digits, like number of wives they have, then actually mean more than 20.
Healey has a single-digit message.
p> – Dan