You may be interested in a post I wrote for Daily Kos when I discovered that Bill Galvin would be introducing Diebold machines into the state. (See darkhorse’s post.) That decision turned my grudging vote for Galvin (I supported Bonifaz during the primary) into a vote for Green candidate Jill Stein. (No Republican is running in the race.) I’ll also be making calls for Stein.
Rather than reproduce it here, I’m posting a link to the original
post. That way, you can see the Democrat-Green slugfest that erupted in the comments (no surprise there).
I’m still working on what else to do. Sent a note to John Bonifaz’s NVRI, but he was out of the office last week. Talked to our town clerk. Thinking about talking to the local newspaper. Life is way too interesting this close to the election.
Guess the ballot was hacked. Ha ha. Too bad I can’t see a way to fix the problem. Ironic, or what?