With the brutal string of articles, headlines, and misleading front pages from the Herald (Today’s: “Deval’s True Crime Story”), Brian McGrory provided some relief for us all with Running on Angry.
McGrory is brutal, honest, and entertaining. A few highlights:
And then you became lieutenant governor for Mitt Romney because — and let’s be especially honest here — pretty much every black or female Republican of any prominence told him no.
And then there are, of course, your résumé issues. One of your — ahem — books was actually a memo.
That one’s for the BMGers.
Massachusetts is not going to elect a governor who looks like she spends half her days wandering the laxative aisle of the local CVS.
DING DING DING, she’s out.
Lest he seem too cruel, McGrory offers this compliment in closing the column:
You should be flying high that you ever got this far in a system that has eaten up a whole lot of people a whole lot more qualified than you.
Who needs an attack ad when we have Brian McGrory?
Remember the 10.6.06 column critical of Deval which Healey then used in one of her attack ads?