For maybe a week or so, Globe columnist Brian McGrory must have been pretty popular around Healey HQ in light of these two pieces. But I’m guessing that his gold-plated press pass has now been rescinded.
Here’s some of what he had to say today.
Kerry, come on in for a moment. Take off your sneer and stay a while. I need to tell you something that your staff apparently isn’t willing to say: You’ve already gotten further in Massachusetts politics than you ever had a right to expect….
Your private-sector career pretty much involved working in a cubicle at a Cambridge consulting company and teaching a couple of courses at colleges that are hardly a threat to anything on the Charles.
And then you became lieutenant governor for Mitt Romney because — and let’s be especially honest here — pretty much every black or female Republican of any prominence told him no….
But the problem is — well, the problem is actually you, or at least your performance over the last few weeks.
On your best day, you’re uptight. Usually, you just seem furious. Your speeches have turned into lectures. Your assertions are always accusations. The world according to Kerry Healey is a dour place indeed.
So allow me to offer an unsolicited observation: No matter how bad you make your opponent seem, no matter how many millions of dollars worth of attack ads that you run, Massachusetts is not going to elect a governor who looks like she spends half her days wandering the laxative aisle of the local CVS….
You should be flying high that you ever got this far in a system that has eaten up a whole lot of people a whole lot more qualified than you.
Until and unless you loosen up, voters are going to be left with just one question in this campaign: What’s this woman got to be angry about?
Gotta give McGrory this much: he does have a way with words!
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Does anyone have a problem with McGrory’s earlier column on Deval.
johnk says
joeltpatterson says
His writing is always worthy of skepticism.
Wasn’t he the guy who loved Mitt Romney’s photo ops on the Big Dig tragedy?
Didn’t he write of Mitt, “he had me at ‘rebar?'”
We might think he’s aiding Deval by writing this, but he’s probably not swaying any independent voters–just spitting in the eyes of Republicans. Democrats may cheer this article, but if Dems think McGrory is a friend… just wait.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
A few people on this blog should try it sometime. Kool Aid makes it tough, I know. This ‘with us or against us’ attitude is just as prevalent on this blog as it is in the Bush White House.
God forbid people think like human beings.
Hmm, if a person dilikes chocolate ice cream than he must love vanilla. And vice versa.
If not, then he’s “wildly erratic”. Or, in bag for one of them. Right Joel?
sco says
McGrory once wrote a column not too long ago about how some people wake up early.
When he’s on, he’s on, but some days he mails it in.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
frenchgirlfromma says
spend the second half of the column telling us what a good girl she is in reality (I also fell for it until I read the end).
This is a much more accurate reflexion of the column:
theopensociety says
Kerry, why can’t you be more like a girl?
When are we going to get back to the issues? I think the only point that is relevant to the governor’s race in the McGory column is that Kerry Healey is not qualified to be governor.
shiltone says
Thanks, a lot, Bri; too bad you didn’t think of this one first.
Maybe he feels guilty now that he handed her a quote to use in the attack ads he’s criticizing her for.
I think this is what punditry has come to — including the Globe, Keller, et al — a circular firing squad, where as long as everybody gets bloodied, they can pat themselves on the back for being fair.
Leveling the playing field for candidates who aren’t in the same league is not fairness. It’s not bias to point out that one candidate has a resume, and the other doesn’t, that one is courageous enough to tell voters things they might not want to hear, and the other isn’t, etc. It benefits the lesser-qualified candidate, and that doesn’t serve the process very well.
Does anyone remember the few weeks before the N.H. primary of 2000? The media treated Dubya’s candidacy like the joke it was. Then, all of a sudden (sounds of corporate media arms being twisted) he’s serious presidential material. Does anybody think — especially in hindsight — that he grew into a genius statesman leader in the matter of a few days?
tom-m says
Here’s the real story, right here:
In any other environment this candidate’s resume would be tossed in the discard pile without a second look. It’s not about race or gender or hate-filled commercials or bumper sticker policy or who has the most money in the bank. It’s about leadership and experience and poor Muffy has shown few examples of either.
geo999 says
Brain McGrory seems to think that he has the cocktail cred of Mike Barnicle, and the writing wit of Howie Carr.
He comes up short in both departments.
jpsox says
But that’s ok. So long as the masses read it.