He also took a couple direct shots at Patrick tonight, rather than his previous All Healey All The Time approach to debating. I was hoping for another interesting show from Pit Bull Mihos but he acted like a real candidate.
The “All Healey All The Time” act was my favorite part of the debates!
Loved his blast at Healey when she wouldn’t answer the “will you ask Mitt to stop making fun of Mass” question. “That means you don’t love Massachusetts, Kerry…”
He also took a couple direct shots at Patrick tonight, rather than his previous All Healey All The Time approach to debating. I was hoping for another interesting show from Pit Bull Mihos but he acted like a real candidate.
The “All Healey All The Time” act was my favorite part of the debates!
Loved his blast at Healey when she wouldn’t answer the “will you ask Mitt to stop making fun of Mass” question. “That means you don’t love Massachusetts, Kerry…”
One of the best lines of the night.