The Court unanimously found that Muffy and Biff were right as a matter of law, even though the public policy impact of the decision hurt all the year-round residents by hiking THEIR tax bills. But that’s not the point.
This whole issue points to her double standard about law and lawyers. Muffy, Biff and their friends had no problem with hiring the best lawyers to protect their legal rights, even though the amount of money at stake represents a fraction of a day’s earnings. They had every right to retain counsel to argue their point. (You can bet that the legal fees involved to take a case all the way up to the Vermont Supreme Court FAR exceeded the tax savings.)
However, Muffy now says lawyers are evil when they argue that the life or liberty — as opposed to money — is wrongfully threatened by unconstitutional processes. The fact that many of these defendants are poor — well, I suppose that makes their lives not nearly as worthy as hers. And I guess that in Muffy-World, only the super-rich have the right to access justice on a point of principal.
You should send your diary to the Patrick campaign. This is good fodder for an attack ad and he should mention it in the debate (unless he has something similar in his background).
Happy to — is there a specific person I should direct it to? Alternately, feel free to send it along.
I linked them to your post. I hope it helps!