The hits just keep on coming — check out this little tidbit in the Herald [http://news.bostonhe…]
Rapists ex-lawyer in Healey camp
While Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey has blasted Deval Patrick for supporting Ben LaGuer, one of the convicted rapists former lawyers is a top attorney in her administration, the Herald has learned.
Judith Goldberg represented LaGuer at a failed 2000 parole hearing and fought successfully for DNA testing on evidence that LaGuer hoped would clear him of the 1983 rape. Goldberg later became deputy legal counsel for Healey and Gov. Mitt Romney and now works as an attorney for the state Executive Office of Health and Human Services.
Its a story about hypocrisy, LaGuer said in a phone interview yesterday from the maximum security prison in Shirley. How can you attack one lawyer whos trying to help me and then hire the lawyer who represented me?
on this story. Good places to start would be here and here and here.