The only way to fight a liar is with the truth…and in Peabody today the truth hurt Kerry Healey!…and Tim Murray delivered it!
Tim Murray, Senator Berry, Mayor Bonfanti,both Peabody Representatives and the City Council President made it clear in no uncertain terms that when it comes to Peabody, Kerry Healey is part of the problem, not the solution.
They exposed Healey for the weak and smarmy Lt. Governor she turned out to be. Flood support for Peabody is much too little, much too late. They all said it’s time to end the Photo-Op Administration! They focused on the lack of support Peabody has received from the Romney/Healey Administration to remedy the devastating economic problems created by flooding in the city.
Tim Murray said, “Mayors and Selectmen across Massachusetts share Peabody’s frustration with the ‘say-one-thing-do-another’ Romney/Healey Administration. Kerry Healey wants people to believe she has been a liaison with the cities and towns, but the record tells another story. And among the hundreds of horror stories I have heard from justifiably angry local officials around this state, there is no better example of her dishonesty and neglect than right here in Peabody. Kerry Healey shows up when the cameras are rolling, but is nowhere to be found later when the hard work begins. She promises and then walks away from the problem. Floods are a crisis, not a photo-op and I think people in Peabody deserve better. I hope you will give Deval Patrick and me a chance to show you what really can be done when an Administration really partners with local communities to solve problems.”
Speakers at today’s press conference, held at the Patrick/Murray Headquarters in Wilson Square, explained that both Romney and Healey came to Peabody [in their new Orvis rain gear] when the severe flooding was getting news coverage in 2004 but 6 months later vetoed the $5.7 million funding they had promised to deliver to Peabody to help remedy the situation. As a result, Peabody did not get the matching federal dollars and had no chance to withstand the additional 2006 flooding. Last May, Romney and Healey again promised relief funding when the cameras and reporters were listening but the amount they approved, which has yet to be delivered, falls far, far short of what it will take to make Peabody safe from floods in the future.
After the press conference, Murray and Bonfanti toured businesses in downtown Peabody that had been devasted by the Spring floods….and have yet to see relief funding. Healey took a walk on Peabody…on Nov 7, I hope Peabody will take a walk on her.
Shot In the Arm-just what we needed!!
This ad was not paid for by the Romney/Healey administration and won’t be paid for by the Healey/Hillman administration.
This is why I voted for Murray in the primary–because he understands the problems municipalities face. As a resident of Peabody, I’m thrilled that he clearly ‘gets it’.
Didn’t Romney include the funding for Peabody in this year’s budget (07) and didn’t the Legislature eliminate it?
Also, didn’t Peabody submit their plan to the Army Corp of Engineers or FEMA, who rejected it as infeasible?
And now, finally, Peabody has come up with what is thought to be a workable plan that budgets $3 million from Peabody, $3 million from the state, and $10 Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA. It’s a plan that is supported by Romney, Kennedy and the Town of Peabody?
Sounds like the 2004 proposal wasn’t planned well, and Romney rightfully vetoed the money. Then, when the plan developed fully, Romney included it in his budget, and the Legislature nixed it and spread money to more “worthwhile” Pork. Finally (and too many floods later) there’s a workable compromise.
Gary…nice try. But, if Romney and Healey had not reneged on their well-trumpeted support (by vetoeing $5.7 mill) in 2004, there would have been no need for them to now play this fiscal pass the buck game to cover up the fact that they walked away from Peabody when the need was the greatest…and when they could have leveraged federal flood relief funds to get the needed repairs moving.
The $2mil they now say is on the way (but has yet to be seen, now 5 months since the flood) is much too little, much too late…a drop in the bs bucket..and they made Peabody match that amount before they would approve it.
It’s quite a routine they have managed to pull off…cut local aid year after year and then ask the city to come up with matching money to get emergency funds…
They have played this ruse statewide for the last 4 years…that’s why so many local officials who have witnessed this shell game up close are relieved that this crowd may finally get the boot on Nov 7.