It really is fascinating to watch this unfold by the minute — more evidence of the Feiler Faster Thesis:
- Healey calls on Patrick to disclose all involvement with the LaGuer case. So do I. It’s in his best interests; and in the interests of justice that this case gets full scrutiny — even now.
- Same link: US Rep. Mike Capuano and “other Patrick supporters” to talk at 11:30 about the disgraceful Neo-Willie Horton ad that Healey’s running. Remember — every attack is an opportunity.
- More commentary from Dan Kennedy, who criticizes Patrick for not being more forthcoming about his involvement in the LaGuer case; but really lights into Healey for the new ad:
If this isn’t an attempt at “Willie Horton II,” I don’t know what is. Attempting to trash a lawyer for ethically defending a client is just vile. Attempting to trash a lawyer who was merely trying to spare his client the death penalty is beyond vile.
“Kerry Healey: Beyond Vile.” There’s a slogan for you.
- And Joan Venocchi has some vinegar for Healey, too:
… You can bet the Healey campaign will do all it can to keep the LaGuer story alive. It scares the public and keeps Healey from having to account for the soft-on-crime policies promoted by the Romney-Healey administration — those funding decisions that resulted in fewer police officers on streets across Massachusetts. [my emphasis]
… and Phil Johnston was right.
(Next ad: “Deval Patrick: soft on race-baiters.”)
p> – Dan
his timing was wrong.
who is concerned about victims and making sure trials are fair? Don’t we want a governor who wants to make sure the right person is in prison for a crime because if the right person is not in prison, then the person who committed the crime is out walking around? When did being concerned about justice and convicting the right person become a bad thing?
is what the campaign should be saying over and over and over and over, and over and over…..