They are working so well together, I really believe they will be a team in the executive branch. No way Deval does to Tim what Mitt did to Muffy. Deval will put Tim to work!
Well, that’s a nice, sensible ad. My big concern – seems like people react more to the sensationalist ads. I hope something like this that makes sense works!
Good text, credible candidate, refreshing change from the Jerry(Springer) Healey campaign ads. Visual with Deval – important projection of positive professional image. Not sexy, not sensationalistic…just right. Needs to be aired outside of Worcester. People like Tim…get his picture and voice out everywhere.
Strong and to the point… and great to see some TV air time for Mayor Murray!
the Woostah accent!
Honest and forthright-what a politican should be. Haven’t seen Reed Hillman do any ads for Kerry Healey!
They are working so well together, I really believe they will be a team in the executive branch. No way Deval does to Tim what Mitt did to Muffy. Deval will put Tim to work!
Well, that’s a nice, sensible ad. My big concern – seems like people react more to the sensationalist ads. I hope something like this that makes sense works!
Good text, credible candidate, refreshing change from the Jerry(Springer) Healey campaign ads. Visual with Deval – important projection of positive professional image. Not sexy, not sensationalistic…just right. Needs to be aired outside of Worcester. People like Tim…get his picture and voice out everywhere.