After two months of first attacking Gabrielli, then Patrick, with the advertising equivalent of a sledgehammer, it’s very, very different.
Talk to the camera, a few soft piano notes in the background, “we both come from modest backgrounds,” etc., etc. Of course, she then proceeds to go off on her distortions, resurrects the immigration issue, and still wraps herself in the “victims’ rights” mantle while accusing Deval of being on the side of the criminals.
My sense is that either internal polling is showing that Willie Horton II has backfired or her ad people think they need to present her in a softer light to appeal to a different cohort –perhaps both.
Please share widely!
johnmurphylaw says
How’d you like to be on that campaign’s media committee? The first scenario that comes to my mind is from the movie about the plane that went down in the Andes, and no one comes to save them, and then things get really desperate, and eventually they start eating each other to survive.
OK, the cannibal thing is a stretch. But it must be pretty bad.
stomv says
jimcaralis says
I’m not so sure the attack ads have hurt her already abysmal negatives.
I would suspect just the opposite. I’m guessing her internal polls are showing some big ground gains and she is just taking her foot off the pedal to give the voters a breather. I’m sure she some AmeriQuest distortions lined up next.
frankskeffington says
…but from what you describe, maybe they finally figured out that they needed to introduce Kerry Healey who has (sorta) a vision, instead of being an attack dog.
Way to little to late. Like Deval, they should ahve put out more positive stuff early (instead of one bio ad). Now this close to the election and so far down, is when they should have all the negative.
johnk says
But it will go away. I don’t see how she will maintain any bump with when they talk about issues. People just don’t see Healey as a leader, she’s more of the Mitt/Jane/Paul we had to deal with over the past decade and people are fed up. Did anyone notice John Walsh on NECN interviewed during the Columbus day parade. He made reference to MCAS and said something to the effect that she “was for before she was against”. Nice work guys at Blue Mass, looks like some of the work you are doing is helping the campaign.
tom says
Saw it yesterday morning…. it’s the softer, gentler Socialite/Criminologist from Prides Crossing. I would describe her manner in the ad as a cross between Glenda Good Witch of the North and Joan Crawford.
What a canard! Kerry Healey is running the most dishonest, cynical campaign in recent memory. Earth to Kerry: You’re supposed to go positive first. No one believes your nice.
shiltone says
“Mildred Pierce in Oz”, I think, with Joan Crawford and Billie Burke, both playing Kerry Healy in different scenes.
susan-m says
Hi, I’m Kerry Healey. I don’t have any sort of a record to run on, so I’m going to start with a list of things that make me seem more likeable.
I’m pro-choice (until that doesn’t work and then I’ll switch)
I support stem cell research (especially if my husband can think of a way to make a buck off of it)
Deval and I both grew up in the ghetto (er… )
Okay, so you’re not buying any of this, including the sappy music, so now I’m going to switch gears:
Tax and spend! Illegal immigrants are overrunning the state! Lock up the white women!
I’m not a lawyer, but I’ll let people think I am, while demonstrating my complete lack of knowledge of human rights, civil rights and pretty much any rights for people darker than Ben Affleck.
And now the money shot – where I co-op Deval Patrick’s campaign slogan:
“If you agree with me, let’s change Massachusetts together.”
Sorry. I don’t agree.
ryepower12 says
that’s kind of like one of those shakespeare books that includes a “translation” for people not intelligent enough to understand it…
that’s just fantastic Susan… LOL.
danseidman says
– Dan
benny says
terrible bags under her eyes!